The New York Times, October 26, 1889. Barnum-Maginniss.
New Albany, Ind., Oct. 25.—Lieut. Malvern Hill Barnum of the Third United States Cavalry and Miss Martha Scribner Maginniss of this city were married last night. The wedding was the most brilliant affair ever witnessed in New Albany. The bride is the youngest daughter of Col. E. A. Maginniss and a charming and accomplished lady. The groom is the son of Gen, Henry A. Barnum, who was a hero of the late war, and is at present a Port Warden in New-York City. The following were some of the guests from a distance: Gen. Henry A. Barnum, Mrs. S. P. Reynolds, and Reynolds Barnum of New-York City; Mrs. David Lytle and Robert W. Lytle of Cincinnati; Mr. and Mrs. Morgan K. Barnum and daughter of Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Fife, Miss Grace Miles, and Rupert Roberts of Detroit, Mich.