From the Syracuse Journal, Syracuse, New York, Tuesday, January 20, 1920: The largest wedding of the New Year will take place this evening when Miss Harriet Duguid Dey and Dwight Searl Barnum are married at 8 o'clock at the Park Central Presbyterian Church. The ceremony will be conducted by the Rev. Dr. Walter Rockwood Forris, pastor of the church. A reception for the most intimate friends and relatives will follow the wedding at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dey in Dewitt. This afternoon Mrs. Robert Dey is giving a buffet luncheon and dinner dance from 2 to 5 o'clock at her home for the bridal party, the out of town guests and young friends of Miss Dey and Mr. Barnum. After a trip the bridal couple will live in Syracuse.