A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Paul Hubert LABERTEW/Vera Mae WIXOM

From the Des Moines Register (Des Moines, Iowa), Sun, Dec 31, 1933, Page 66: Miss Vera May WIXOM To Wed Paul Labertew. Mr. and Mrs. Orion M. Wixom, 7065 Maryland drive, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Vera May, to the Rev. Paul H. Labertew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Labertew of Herrold. The wedding will take place tomorrow at 6 p. m. at the Church of the Open Bible. The Rev. John R. Richey will officiate at the double ring ceremony to be read in the presence of a group of relatives and friends.
To Wear Mother's Gown.
Preceding the ceremony, Ivan L. Botsford will play several organ solos and the Rev. and Mrs. Roy C. Thompson will sing "I Love You Truly" and the Rev. David E. Morken of Duluth, Minn., will sing "At Dawning." The bride, who will be given in marriage by her father, will wear her mother's wedding gown of fine silk mull and lace, and a cap shaped net veil, held in place with orange blossoms. She will carry an old fashioned colonial bouquet of white roses, sweet peas and lilies of the valley.
Sister to Attend.
Miss Florence E. Wixom will serve her sister as maid of honor, wearing a dress of yellow taffeta, and carrying an arm bouquet of yellow roses. The bridesmaids will be Mrs. C. Keith Lyon, sister of the bridegroom, who will wear a blue crepe dress and carry pale pink roses and Genevieve Seberg, who will wear a pink crepe dress and carry deep pink roses.
Children to Take Part.
The bridal party will be preceded by Phyllis Hamilton in pink organdy and Norma Jean Ehlers in green organdy. They will stretch white ribbons toward the altar. Peggy Ann Swibold and Darlene Hartzer will act as flower girl and trainbearer, with Leon Hamilton, jr. as ring bearer.
Reception at Wixom Home.
Wayne Labertew, brother of the bridegroom, will serve as best man. and the ushers will be C. Keith Lyman and Keith Gilbert E. McKeeman.
Immediately following the ceremony there will be a reception for the bridal party and immediate families at the home of the bride's parents.
To Live in Grimes.
Miss Wixom is a graduate of Roosevelt High school and is a senior student in the Open Bibles Training School.
The bridegroom is a graduate of Liberty Center High school and the Open Bible Training school. The last six months he has been evangelistic work in northern Minnesota.
The couple will be at home after Jan. 7 in Grimes, where the Rev. Mr. Labertew will be pastor of a church.

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