A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Nathan Bunnell BARNUM

An American Revolution Veteran, the Loyalist Nathan Barnum was born about 1739 in New Fairfield, Fairfield County, Connecticut, the son of Nathan Barnum, and Hannah Bunnell. He was a great grandson of the immigrant Thomas Barnum, Sr. (1625-1695). Loyalists like Nathan were American colonists who remained loyal to the British Empire and the British monarchy during the American Revolutionary War. At the time they were often called Tories, Royalists, or King's Men; Patriots called them, "persons inimical to the liberties of America".

Nathan Barnum of Danbury married Hannah Bunnell on 10 Aug 1738 in New Milford, Connecticut. She was his second wife. It seems probable that Hannah was Ensign Nathan's mother instead of Rebecca Lockwood, as shown in one source, since he named a son Nathan Bunnell Barnum. As far as is known at present there was only one other child, David Barnum, born 30 March 1733, who could have been a son of Rebecca Lockwood and David named a daughter Rebecca Lockwood Barnum.

Ensign Nathan Barnum and Mary Wheeler were married sometime before 1754, the year in which their daughter Relief was born. A child of theirs who is shown as being baptized in the New Fairfield Congregational Church (FHL Film #002883 and New Fairfield Ecclesiastical Society Records photocopied in New Fairfield city library), "Nathan Barnum, Jr.'s daughter born Nov. 16, 1760." was apparently Samantha. She must have died young, since Nathan and his second wife had a daughter by the same name born in 1772. Nathan's second wife was Lois Wheeler, whom he married on 11 March 1762. She was the daughter of Joseph Wheeler and Abigail Perry and the fifth child in a family of eight children. She died about 1780 on Long Island, New York as is shown by a letter that follows. After their marriage Nathan and Lois lived and farmed in New Fairfield. When Nathan applied for land in Ontario following the Treaty of Paris (or Treaty of Separation), that ended the Revolutionary War he was shown as having 5 children (petition to Governor, 22 Sep 1793 mentions 3 sons and 2 daughters). That coincides with the following letter written to him in England by his son Nathan Bunnell Barnum, Jr., naming his brothers and sisters as Wheeler, Eliphalet, Samantha and Lois.

"New York May 28 1787.
Honoured Father,
I had the pleasure of receiving your letter this day, dated 7th of March 1787 in which you inform me that you have not recd any Intelligence. I find my brothers and sisters by but Dear Father I have wrote to you sundry times concerning our health and situations and do with great satisfaction take my pen in hand to inform you of our welfare, which is very pleasing to a tender parent. When shall I have the happiness of seeing my only friend again. Shall I this year or next, or ever, I fear not but be that as it will. I pray for your Health and prosperity which in duty I am denied as well as gratitude. You wrote to me several times concerning your business requesting me to accomplish it for you which has been out of my power on account of my circumstances as I have frequently informed you in my letters. I and my brothers and sisters are very well. Wheeler has lately gone to the South and to a place called Egg Harbour J [Jersey] and I hear that the boatman he went with certified that he has got business at the Taylors trade, he left his master early in the spring thought him incapable of teaching him. Eliphalet is learning the shoe makers trade with one Weeks formerly living near John Underhill but now has removed to Bloomingdale 5 miles from New York. Lois lives at Mr. Calbeys yet. I teach a school at West Farms 12 miles from this place in a very reputable neighborhood among men of note. I have merrited the esteem of the people from of the highest Characters to the lowest, Do not think Dear Father I mention this to enflate myself by any means, but to give you satisfaction. My brothers and sisters bear a good character also Samantha lives with Mr. Clement yet. But she has had the misfortune to loose her second Mother Mrs. Clement. I must inform you as I have done before how will the information cut you to the heart, how shall I express it how will you bear to hear it, your Mother is dead she died last winter a year. Pray write by Every opportunity. I shall come frequently to town to receive your letters and send you answers as I live very handy I have nothing more to write at present but remain your dutiful son.
Nathan B. Barnum"

=== A Soldier, Farmer and Officer of the King ===

There is not much known about the family or the town up to the time of the Revolutionary War. The New Fairfield town hall burned down in about 1870 and the records were lost. At the time of the war the brothers put their allegiance in two different places. David fought on the side of the Patriots and Nathan joined the Loyalist forces on Long Island. He resided in Kentish Town, a suburb of London, for about four to five years after the end of the war, apparently in a state of near poverty. An inventory of his estate at the time of its confiscation shows that he had been a well-to-do man and that he was now reduced to his present pitiable condition. His having gone through the trials of the war and suffered for what he believed in shows great strength of character. His estate in Connecticut "both real and personal" was confiscated "the last Tuesday of December, 1778." The record appears in the Probate Court records in FHL Film #1016212. At an adjourned county court held at Fairfield in and for Fairfield County on the last Tuesday of December AD 1778: "The estates of the following persons who have joined ye enemy were declared forfeit to & for ye use of this state & the cost annexed to their several names were taxed as cost of prosecution by ye court (viz.) Nathan Barnum, Joseph Vaughn, Simeon Leach, James Leach, Ebenezer Leach, Benjamin Vaughn". An inventory on the estate was taken and valued at 1,635 English pounds on 25 February 1779 (equivalent to about $184,000 in 2011 dollars).

An allotment of 35 pounds was granted to his wife and family, who had apparently not yet left Connecticut. The estates were handled through the probate court just as though the men were deceased. All those who could made claim against the estates. "These claims were reviewed at a General Assembly of the governor and company of the state of Connecticut holden at Hartford on the 18th day of January 1782, Upon the memorial of James Birdsell of the Albany in the State of New York, showing to this assembly that John Cornell & Nathan Barnum both of New Fairfield went off to and joined the enemies of these states that at the time of this going they were both indebted to him-That since their going of there estates have been ajudged forfit and have been sold for the benefit of this state that the memoralist living out of this state heard nothing of the proceedings with said estates praying that the Court of Probate may be impowered and directed to reapoint the commission on said estates to examine his accounts and make report of the sums found due to the judge of the court of probate for the District of Danbury in order that he may receive payment as per memorial on file, Resolved by this assembly that the judge of the court of probate for the district of Danbury be impowered and directed to reapoint the commissioners to examine and adjust the accounts of the memorialist and make return to him of the sums they shall find due at the cost of ye memorialist and there upon said judge of probate is impowered and directed to draw an order on Col. John Chandler for the payment of the same out of the avails of said estate".

Nathan Barnum entered the King's service in the provincial British army, in Major General Phineas Lyman's and Colonel George Wightman's Connecticut Militia Regiments and was engaged throughout the French and Indian War from 1757 to the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763. A farmer in Fairfield County, Connecticut at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, he joined the Tories and was employed "in confidential and dangerous services" by Governor William Tryon of the New York Colony. In November 1777, soon after the King's Troops came to New York, he enlisted as an Ensign in the Third Battalion of Brigadier General Oliver DeLancey's Brigade of Royal Provincial Volunteers, Colonel Ludlow's Regiment and received a Warrant to recruit for the Service, for which his knowledge of the country and inhabitants made him quite capable. During the war he raised more than 200 men for the British cause.

In London, England, in May of 1792, Nathan Barnum received a parchment certificate from the Masonic Lodge, a subsequent attachment to which has provided some interesting personal details about his life. Printed on parchment, the certificate is in a 14 by 16-inch frame and reads as follows: "To all whom it may Concern, these are to certify that our excellent brother, Nathan Barnum, who hath in the margin signed his name, is a regular Royal Arch Mason, registered in our Grand Chapter of Holy Royal Arch in London, on the 4th day of April, in the year of Masonry, 5792. In Testimony Whereof, we have subscribed our names and affixed the seal of our Grand Chapter this 9th day of May in the year of our Lord 1792, and of masonry, 5792." The document was signed by five scribes.

=== Masonic Support ===

In 2001 the certificate was in the possession of Nathan's descendant Maris Davis Keck. Attached to the back was an envelope containing the following note: "David Wheeler Barnum, Norfolk Co., Ontario. I am three score and four years old to-day; and am a son of Nathan B. Barnum, Esq., who was a son of Nathan Barnum; my father was born and educated in the Province of Connecticut. In 1776, at the commencement of the revolutionary war, they moved to New York; the family consisted of my grandfather, three sons and two daughters, (my grandmother having died previous to their removal), then my grandfather went and joined the British Standard and became an Officer, and served for seven years.

When the war was over in 1783, he fled to Nova Scotia and worked two years, it being hard times he could not realize much for his labor; he saved his trunk and his regimental clothes and that was all he had, and he had obtained so little money for his labor, he was compelled to take a deck passage to England, and go in his working clothes. Before he had been on board for three days, the Captain noticed him and gave him an invitation to come in the cabin, and then he had a comfortable situation with the Captain all the way to England. He then changed his raiment; he put his regimental clothes on and went to the war office and found his name recorded there, and the Government acknowledged him and gave him his full pay up to that time, and established his half-pay for life. He remained in the City of London for seven years, and when he left, the Freemasons gave him the attached certificate".

When peace was established in 1783, ending the Revolutionary War, many thousands of Loyalists, who were referred to as Tories by their fellow Americans, left the newly created United States of America. They started their lives afresh under the British flag in Nova Scotia and in the unsettled lands above the Saint Lawrence rapids and North of Lake Ontario. A very interesting account of Nathan B. Barnum's long search for proper compensation for his Revolutionary War service is given in ''The Long Point Settlers Journal'', volume 4, number 3, July 1997.

=== "Dangerous Services", Capture and Escape ===

Nathan Barnum is mentioned in ''Historical Nuggets'', as follows: Barnum (Nathan). Autograph Memorial and Statement of the Services of Ensign Nathan Barnum, of the 2d Battalion of [Brigadier General Oliver] Delancey's Brigade of Provincial Forces, addressed to Sir George Yonge, Secretary at War, praying for promotion. 6 pages, Folio: Ensign Barnum entered the King's service in Major General Phineas Lyman's and Colonel George Wightman's Connecticut Regiments, and was engaged through the Old French War from 1757 to the Peace of 1763. In the Revolution he joined the Tories and was employed "in confidential and dangerous services" by Governor William Tryon of New York Colony. He made dangerous excursions into the country and enlisted above 200 men for the King's service. He was afterwards captured, put in irons, charged with treason against the State of Connecticut, but by means of his wounds, and by inoculating for the small pox, he managed to put off the day of his trial, which he apprehended would prove fatal, until he found an opportunity to escape.

DeLancey’s Brigade also known as the New York Loyalists, was probably the largest armed Tory organization in New York. The brigade—three battalions of 500 men each—was raised by Oliver DeLancey, a wealthy New York merchant who resided in the Morrisania section of the Bronx (then part of Westchester County). Some of the men in the 3rd battalion were said to be Rebels captured during the battle of Long Island and given a choice: Join the Loyalists or rot in a prison hulk in New York harbor. At first, members of DeLancey’s Brigade served as a police force in New York City. Later, they garrisoned forts at Kings Bridge and on the north shore of Long Island, where they often were accused of ill-treating Loyalist civilians. The 1st and 2nd battalions served in East Florida, then in Savannah. So many men were killed in battles there and in South Carolina—at Eutaw Springs and during the siege of Fort Ninety-Six—that the two battalions were merged in February 1782. DeLancey became the first mayor of Saint John, the destination of many of the Loyalists who sailed to Canada after the war.

=== The Search for Recognition ===

The story of his loyalty to the crown is told in his own words in letters to "The Commissioners appointed by Act of Parliament for enquiring into the Losses and Services of the American Loyalists". There are 25-30 letters and documents included in the American Loyalist Claims at the Public Record Office, London, England, ref. no.; A.O. 12-13. These files can be found at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City on 189 rolls of microfilm. The claim of Nathan Barnum can be found on FHL Film #366802, 366738. These letters carry us through his activities from 1775 to about 1789. It appears that by December of 1785 he had arrived in London, as he presented a claim, accompanied by a deposition signed by "Wm Franklin late govn of New Jersey".

=== Documents: Petitions and Letters of Support ===

"London Dec 15, 1785. My Lords, Being well informed of the Character of Mr. Nathan Barnum Late of Connecticut, I beg leave to recommend him as a Person who took an early and active Part in Support of the British Government, and who having greatly suffered in his Person and Property during the late Rebellion highly merits the relief and assistance he sollicits. I Have the Honor to be with the greates Respect My Lords, Your Lordships Most obedient and respectful servant Wm Franklin late govn of New Jersey."

"The Memorialist of Nathan Barnum Connecticut in North America Most Humbly sheweth That he took an early and decided Part at the Commencement of the late troubles in America- After he left his Family and Property, he was employed in very dangerous and confidential Service by the late General Tryon, during which he was apprehened upon Suspition, but liberated for want of Proof against him-Soon after the King's Troops came to New York he received a Warrant to recruit for the Service, for which his Knowledge of the Country and Inhabitants rendered him distinquishedly capable, in so much that his Commanding officer Colonel Ludlow, promised him a Captaincy upon raising the men-In different Excursions he brought in about 200 Recruits who inlisted into the several Provincial Corps then raising, having been at his own House while on these recruiting Expeditions an Information for harbouring him was lodged against his Wife, who was, for that Crime, imprisoned and plundered no less than three times, at last he procured a Flag and removed her within the Lines where she died leaving him with 5 Infants-As a pretense for journeying through the Country, if questioned, instead of a Pass which he could by no Means procure, he carried with him a Bond for 3,200 pounds, so that he might produce it as a Reason of his Travelling if stopped by the Way, which Bond he lost in the following Manner: A man whom he had recruited, being punished for a Crime deserted to the enemy while he was out on his last Excursion, and informed against him in consequence the entire Country to apprehend him, by one of whom he was discovered, but before he was taken, his leg was shattered with a Musket Ball, and immediately after, he was desperately wounded in the Thigh of the same Side with a Bayonet, and his Bond with other Papers of little Comparative Consequence was destroyed before his Face -- In this Condition he was carried upwards of 100 Miles on Horseback without any medical Assistance, in extreme Anguish, exposed to the Inclemency of the Weather, then severe and subject to Cruelty and Insult--He was then thrown into Fairfield Prison, in which he suffered an Extremity of Misery and Distress, being refused every Necessary and Assistance for his Wounds; being obliged to the humane and friendly care of a Brother Officer and fellow Prisoner for the Cure of his Wounds which was effected contrary to all human Expectation--Being reserved to be tried by the Court for High Treason and knowing the great Hazard he would run; profiting by the Prejudices of the People against the Small Pox, he contrived to procure Matter & innoculated himself so long previous to the Sessions that he broke out with that Distemper, at the Time the Court met; and was removed to the Hospital from which not withstanding he was chained to the Floor, he made his escape and joined His Majesty's Troops then on the Expedition to Danbury--When he joined his Regiment he found all the Captains were appointed, but he was solemnly promised the first vacant Company by his Colonel---While visiting his Children by Leave of Absence in Spring, 1781, upon Long Island he was again captured by a Party of the Enemy who had landed there from the main; but having his Uniform and Commission he was then considered as a British Officer, as to his Exchange; but he experienced much private Malice and Insult, both before and after his Confinement in Goal; being whipped with Hiccory Rods on his naked Body and otherwise so cruelly treated, that it was almost a mericle he survived the inhumanity he suffered-While he was in this melancholy Condition not being returned to New York, he was struck out of the Returns and a Captain appointed in the Regiment in his Stead."

"All these Services and Sufferings he humbly presumes to lay before Your Lordships in the hope that they will be considered in the proper Point of view as most if not all of them are well known, particularly his Success in recruiting, which is attested by Wm Heath who assisted him with His Boats, while commanding His Majestys Sloop Senegal in Long Island Sound by Colonel Stephen DeLancey, Colonel Wightman, and others: all whose Certificates are lodged with the Commissioners of American Claims."

"In the full Expectation of being honoured by a Recommendation from the Commissioners, at Lincoln's Inn-Fields, he most humbly intreats Your Lordships to be pleased to continue his Pension granted in October 1785, in Consideration of These his Services and Sufferings, and his small Family, scattered by the Event of the war and he, as in Duty bound will ever pray etc. Nathan Barnum."

"Pass: Ensign Nat. D. Barnum of Ludlows Regiment Prisoner of War to the United States is permitted to go to Wethersfield and remain there until Exchanged. Head Quarters 29 March 1783 Ben _?_ Aid de Camp."

"Wethersfield 9th June 1783 The Bearer Nathan Barnum an Ens. in British Service, who hath been detained as a Prisoner of War hath now by the Advise and Approbation of his Excellancy the Govenor & his Council of Safety-Permission to go from hence to Reading and Fairfield in the State of Connecticut to procure Some Monies Due to him there, and after returning & Paying his Debts, Contracts here has full Liberty to return to N. York and partake of the enrollement of his Service. Certified by Ens. Williams."

"John Collins of Litchfield in the county of Litchfield in Connecticut and Eliakim Squire of Lanesborough in the State of Massachusetts Bay severally make oath as follows-the said John Collins deposit and saith that he is well acquainted with Nathan Barnum whom this Deponent understood at the time, hereinafter mentioned to be an officer in the British Service and this deponent saith that the said Nathan Barnum was confined as a prisoner in the Goal at Litchfield aforesaid sometime in the month of June last to the beginning of October last during which time this deponent hath heard and believes that the said Nathan Barnum was denied the use of Pen, Ink and paper and has heard and believes that the said Nathan Barnum was whipped, ironed and otherwise very ill used in the said prison which the deponent had the means of hearing as he lived the next door to the said Goal And the said Eliakim Squire deposeth and sayeth that sometime in the month of September last he saw in Litchfield Goal aforesaid Nathan Barnum formerly of Fairfield County in Connecticut-whom he understood to be then an officer in the British Army and heard and believed he was very ill used there and further these Deponents say not. John Collins, Eliakim Squier, County of Sunbury, May 7 1784 Sworn to before me James Peters Justice of Peace."

"London 23 October 1787 I do certify that in the years 1778, 1779 and 1780, I knew Mr. Nathan Barnum, Ensign in the Third Battalion of Brigadier General Oliver DeLancey's Brigade; having served at the same Post where they were stationed, the greater part of that time. That I have frequently heard Colonel Ludlow, and Lieutenant Colonel Keislett mention, that Mr. Barnum had at various times, brought to the Regiment near two Hundred Recruits, whom he Procured from without the British Lines at very great risk. That I have always understood Mr. Barnum suffered particularly by the loss of considerable Property in America, and underwent much hardships by being taken Prisoner by the Americans which, I believe, preported his preferment in the Corps to which he belonged. George Wightman State Lt. Col. Commandant Loyal New Englanders."

"Sir, It gives me pain to intrude upon you, but situated as I am in a strange Country and in low circumstances I hope I shall meet with your Excuse in my newest application.

"At the commencement of the late unhappy Disturbance in America, I took a decided Part on the Side of Government, and, while on the recruiting Service, in Connecticut, was betrayed, by a Deserter from the Kings Troops, that I had enlisted; in Consequence of which, I was not only closely confined but tried for my Life, and I have little or no Doubt I should have suffered Death, had I not by inoculating myself for the Small Pox, been removed to an Hospital, from which I made my Escape.

"The reason I inform you of the above circumstances is that I imagine from the Hatred borne me, my Friends have not been able to procure, from the Court of Probate, in Fairfield County, Connecticut, a Copy of the Confiscation of my Property, which I have repeatedly wrote for, without receiving as yet any satisfactory Answer.

"I Therefore request, You will be so good, as to let me know, whether You have got a Copy of the Confiscation of my Property, when in that Province.

"I have the Honour to be, with Respect Sirs, Your most obedient and very humble Servant, Nathan Barnum late of New Fairfield, Connecticut Post Office Kentish Town October 27, 1788."

"To the Commissioners appointed by Act of Parliament for inquiring into the Losses and Services of the American Loyalists

"The Memorial of Nathan Barnum late of New Fairfield in colony of Connecticut Sheweth That at the Commencement of the late Rebellion, he took a decided Part against Congress and being persecuted was obliged to leave his Residence and Property in New Fairfield in December 1775 which is more largely set forth in the Memorial before Your Honors.

"That he has sent Instructions and Money to his Son in America, to procure Certificates of the Confiscation of his property, on Consequence of his loyalty; but hath not as yet received, though he daily expects them.

"That, being apprehensive You will be obliged to report upon his Claim, without those necessary Proofs, he hopes the following State of his Service, Sufferings and Losses, the former being substantiated by the accompanying respectable Certificates will enduce You to make the most favourable Report in Your Power Should he not receive the above Papers in Time.

"In December 1775 being on board the Dutchess of Gordon with Gen. Tryon His Excellency desired him to return Home where he could be more serviceable to the Royal Cause by distributing His Majestys Proclamations, Copies of which he was furnished with, and when he could no longer stay to bring a List of such Friends of Government as was in the County, who could be depended upon as strickly loyal. This Service being accomplished he was compelled to return for his Personal safety and brought to the General the List required, who again employed him, in a more private Manner to go into the Country, not only Circulate those Proclamation, but to encourage his Neighbours to perservere in their Loyalty, and also to gain Intelligence of the views and Motives of the Rebels. While engaged in this Service, the Army arrived at Staten Island and he was apprehended upon Suspition, and cast into Jail when no proofs appearing against him, he was set at Liberty, He then went to the Army where he received a warrant as Ensign, to recruit Men for the Service and again returned to Connecticut for that purpose, Where his Success was so great that Col. Ludlow, his Commanding Officer promised him a Captaincy, in the Regiment provided he enlisted the proper Quota of Recruits. In Consequence of this Promise, he made several excursions into the Country, in which he was so successful as to bring near 200 men within the British Provincial Regiments. In the Interim his Wife being informed against for harbouring him, was imprisoned and plundered no less than three Different Times, so that he was obliged to procure a Flag to bring her in where She died. Finding it impossible to procure a Pass to travel the Country, he carried a Bond for £3200 New York Currency, which was due him by Joseph Farr, Joseph Wheeler and John Hubbill, in Lanesborough, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, for the Pretense of settling that debt, if stopped on his Way. In January 1777, having engaged upwards of ninety Men to cross the Sound to Long Island he was informed against by one of his own Recruits, who had been punished in the Regiment, and deserted therefrom; in Consequence where of he was pursued, and in his Flight had his Leg shattered by a Musket Ball, and, when taken was desperately wounded in the Thigh with a Bayonet and his Bond which served as a Pass destroyed before his Face, in which Situation, he was carried upwards of 100 Miles on Horseback, without any medical Assistance, exposed to Insult, and suffering by the inclemency of the Season: He was then thrown into Fairfield Prison, where in he continued for some Time in great Distress having no Surgeon to dress his wounds, being relieved only by the Friendship, Assistance and attention of Mr. Alexander Clark, afterward Adjutant in the same Regiment with him, who dressed his Wounds, and otherwise saved him, which he never can sufficiently return: In April that year, the court was to meet, by whom he was to be tried for High Treason but knowing the Apprehensions and Prejudices of the Country against the Small Pox he procured Matter and, at the time of the Courts Meeting, broke out with a case, in consequence of Self Innoculation; and being sent to the Hospital, where he was chained to the floor to prevent his escape he found Means to bribe one of the Nurses, who not only brought him a file to cut off his Irons; but amused the Sentinel placed over him, while he effected it, whereby he made his escape, and joined the Troops, on the Expedition to Danbury, in April that Year, when he found all the Captains of the Regiment appointed during his Captivity; but on account of his recruiting Services, he was, by the Colonel, solemnly promised the first vacant Company. That in spring 1781, having got Leave of Absence in Order to visit his motherless Children, scattered after his Wife's Death; at Hempstead, he unfortunately was seized, by a Party of Rebels, who had come over the Sound, in Order to relieve a number of their Peoples who had fled to the Woods in Consequence of being defeated by Colonel Wormb, of the Hessian Yagers; but being captured in his uniform, and with his Commission, they could not proceed against him otherwise than as a British Officer; but they indulged their Malice against him, in a private capacity, by not only insulting him, before he came to the Place of Confinement, but tying him up, in Jail and cruelly whipping him with Hiccory Rods (and what other Instruments of Torture they could procure) upon his naked Body. While he was in this horrid situation, an Order was issued from Head Quarters that all Prisoners of war should be struck off the Returns, whose Stay in the Country could not be accounted for and by an obedience to this order, he was excluded in the Return of the 2nd Batt'n of General De Lancy's brigade which not only prevented him from receiving his Half Pay, but an Advantage was taken of his Captivity to make a Captain in the Regiment in his Absence and Room.

"That at the Peace, he went to Nova Scotia, and settled in that Part of it now made into a separate Government, under the Name of New Brunswick, and when there he had a Deposition by Isaac Raymond of his Property lost on account of his Loyalty, sworn before Squire Symonds, of Sunbury and presented to Your office, His Authority Your Memorialist can now prove by the most unquestionable Evidence.

"He lays these circumstances before your Honours, trusting, that in want of the Proof of Confiscation, etc. You will be pleased to consider his Claims in the most Favourable light; Keep them open for Proof as long as You can, and when obliged to decide thereon to grant him such Liquidations as his Service, as well as Property may deserve, and he as in Duty bound, will ever pray etc.

"Nathan Barnum Kentish Town Decm 14 1788" (N.B., Sir Roger Curtis and Col. Wightmans Certificates of recruiting Service are annexed).

=== Recognition of Nathan's Loyal Service ===

Nathan's name appears in ''Loyalists in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War'', Vol. III in a list of Provincial Officers who served in the south, then serving on half pay (1783).

In ''The Old United Empire Loyalists List'', Centennial Committee, Toronto, Canada: Rose Publishing Co., 1885. Appendix B appear the following names:
Barnum, Nathaniel - H District - Dead—a Lieut.
Barnum, Nathan Bunnel - London District - Formerly soldier in 3rd Battalion of Delancey's. O.C. 26th January, 1808.
Barnum, Levi - Sergeant King's Rangers.

The book ''Loyalists of New Brunswick'' by Esther Clark Wright mentions Nathan as being from Connecticut and lists him as an Ensign in 2nd Battalion DeLancey’s Brigade. This is consistent with records placing him in the 3rd battalion, since by 1783 the attrition of active men caused 1st and 2nd Battalions to be combined into 1st and 3rd to become 2nd. He is also noted to have settled in Upper Canada.

=== The Search for Land in Upper Canada ===

At the conclusion of the Revolutionary War, with the severance of the Colonies from Great Britain, the Loyalists, who supported the British Crown, began to move north into what is now New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Upper Canada. This were the families and individuals who had adhered to the Unity of the Empire and joined the Royal Standard in America before the Treaty of Separation in 1783. Persons falling into this category were given a mark of honor by the British Crown and known as United Empire Loyalists. Much of the present population of Upper Canada can trace their descent from these early pioneers, making this record of interest to anyone with ancestors in those areas.

In ''Long Point Settlers''; R. Robert Mutrie; Log Cabin Publishing; p.130, it is stated that Nathan came into Ontario in 1792-3 with Richard Mead. Held lot #278 in Newark, Ontario, 1795-1800. On the 22 July 1793, at Newark (now Niagara-on-the-Lake) Nathan Barnum petitioned for land that was due him stating that he had brought with him from England, "farming utensils to a considerable amount". He petitioned for two lots in Toronto "viz. #16 in the first consession for himself, and #17 in the same consession for one of his sons and the remainder of the lands he may be entitled to, he wishes to take up in some part of the Province that remains unlocated, in Order to bring forward his children & to form a settlement". On the 3 June 1794 he was granted land at Turkey Point near Paterson Creek in Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada; "200 acres only be granted the Petitioner at present-it not being expedient to make a settlement in that District at this time".

From ''The Eighteenth Report of the Department of Public Records and Archives of Ontario 1929'' by Alexander Fraser, L.L.D.: pg. 150 - "13 July 1793 Nathan Barnum [N.B., Nathan, Sr.; d. 13 Jan 1795], a reduced Subaltern Officer in Gen. DeLancy's Corps: Petitioner prays for two lots at Toronto, No. 16, in the first concession for himself and No. 17, do. for one of his sons [N.B., Undoubtedly Eliphalet D. Barnum, since Nathan, Jr. and Wheeler were living in New York at that time], and the remainder of the land that he may be entitled to, in some part of the Province that remains unlocated. Ordered that he shall have a grant of land that he is entitled to, but that part of his petition for lands at Toronto must stand over with the rest of the petitions. pg. 65/66 - 3 June 1794 Nathan Barnum: Prays for lands near Turkey Point and Patterson Creek. Ordered that 200 acres only can be granted the petitioner at present, it not being expedient to make settlements in that district at this time. pg. 84 - Christian Warner, a Sergeant of Col. Butlers' late Rangers and John Stacey late of the Naval Department: Memorialists have both been in the service of His Majesty and about four years ago went to Long Point and located C. W. 400 acres and J. S. 200 acres; pray to be confirmed in the same as they understand part of the said lands are claimed by Nathan Barnum. Order that the same be rejected".
In ''The Correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe'' we find the following: Applications for Land in the Long Point Settlement. The Heirs of Captain Barnum & Mr. Barnum. Walsingham, Concession l, Lots 10 and 11. Gores (in each of two, Lots 10 and 12. Concession 2, Lots 9, 11 and 12. Concession 3, Lots 10 and 12. Charlotteville, Concession 1 Lots 3 and 7. Gore, Lots 3, 7 and 8. About 3500 acres. Remark: Supposed to be for Mr. Barnum 3000 Acres & for Mr. Barnum 500 Acres - 3500.

Nathan had finally received his just dues, but it was sadly short lived as he died 13 January 1795, in Long Point, Norfolk, Ontario. The last 20 years of Nathan Barnum's life had been a time of hardships and sorrow, but he came through it all with a fighting spirit and an iron will.

=== Nathan's Legacy Endangered ===

In spite of Nathan's success, in later years his heirs were forced to continue the battle for recognition of his services to the Crown. In 1790, John Stacy, his son-in-law Silas Secord, with Christian Warner and Nathan Barnum, had explored along Long Point Bay then settled on the heights above Turkey Point in Charlotteville Township. Only a few of those first settlers along Long Point Bay had the official blessing of John Simcoe, the Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada. Most received earlier tentative permissions from the then commanding officers and others had no permission at all.

On September 20, 1793, Simcoe wrote to Home Secretary Henry Dundas extolling the advantages of the area: “Long Point is the favorite object of all descriptions of people; Its vicinity is represented as the most desirable for Settlements, and whether the restraint which it has hitherto thought prudent to place upon its colonization seems to enhance its value, or it really possesses great Advantages, there appears to be little doubt but that it will become a flourishing part of Upper Canada.”

The restraint Governor Simcoe referred to were deterrents of his own making. He considered the establishment of a fort on the heights overlooking Turkey Point and the entrance to Long Point Bay to be a prerequisite to settlement. The year 1793 turned into 1794 and still Simcoe waited for approval of his strategy. Meanwhile, he held up settlement and issued an eviction order to those without his authorization. In obedience to the ban, some left their few cleared acres in Norfolk. Settler Nathan Barnum died in the interim and his heirs would have to make renewed applications for their land in later years.

=== Residence History ===
: Born in New Fairfield, Connecticut Colony about 1739.
: Resided in New Fairfield from 1739 to 1776.
: Moved to Long Island, New York Province in 1776. Note: The Province of New York became the State of New York on April 20, 1777.
: Moved to the Nova Scotia Colony in 1783.
: Moved to the New Brunswick Colony in 1785.
: Moved to Kentish Town, England in 1788. Note: Kentish Town is an area of northwest London, in the Borough of Camden.
: Moved to the Province of Upper Canada in 1793.
: Died in Long Point, Province of Upper Canada in 1795.

== Sources ==
* Clark, M. J. (1981). ''Loyalists in the southern campaign of the Revolutionary War''. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co. [http://interactive.ancestry.com/48293/SouthLoyalistsIII-002406-351/281244?backurl=http%3a%2f%2fsearch.ancestry.com%2fcgi-bin%2fsse.dll%3fdb%3dFLHG-SouthLoyalistsIII%26rank%3d1%26new%3d1%26so%3d3%26MSAV%3d1%26msT%3d1%26gss%3dms_db%26gsfn%3dnathan%26gsln%3dbarnum%26dbOnly%3d_F00027E9%257c_F00027E9_x%26dbOnly%3d_F00032DB%257c_F00032DB_x%26uidh%3dyou&ssrc=&backlabel=ReturnSearchResults&rc=583,496,701,516;712,495,856,519]
* Ancestry.com. International, Find A Grave Index for Select Locations, 1300s-Current [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2012. Original data: Find A Grave. Find A Grave. [http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=87818046&ref=acom]
* Ontario., Simcoe, J. G., Cruikshank, E. A., & Ontario Historical Society. (1923). ''The correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe: With allied documents relating to his administration of the government of Upper Canada''. Toronto: The Society. [https://archive.org/details/correspondenceof01simc]
* Henry Stevens, GMB, FSA, compiler, Historical Nuggets: Bibliotheca Americana, Or a Descriptive Account of My Collection of Rare Books Relating to America (London: Whittingham & Wilkins, 1862. [https://archive.org/stream/historicalnugge05stevgoog/historicalnugge05stevgoog_djvu.txt]
* Reid, William D. The Loyalists in Ontario: The Sons and Daughters of the American Loyalists of Upper Canada. Lambertville, NJ, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1973. [http://interactive.ancestry.com/49231/FLHG_LoyalistsinOntario-0025/61754?backurl=http%3a%2f%2fsearch.ancestry.com%2fcgi-bin%2fsse.dll%3fdb%3dFLHG-LoyalistsinOntario%26rank%3d1%26new%3d1%26so%3d3%26MSAV%3d1%26msT%3d1%26gss%3dms_db%26gsfn%3dNathan%26gsln%3dBarnum%26dbOnly%3d_F00027E9%257c_F00027E9_x%26dbOnly%3d_F00032DB%257c_F00032DB_x%26uidh%3dyou&ssrc=&backlabel=ReturnSearchResults&rc=153,1163,371,1200;411,1168,623,1205]
* Spurgin, J. P., Upper Canada Land Petitions LAC “R” Bundle 5, Petition Number 24, Barnum, Nathan, The Upper Canada Land Petition of Nathan Barnum dated at Newark (Niagara-on-the ..., Petitions B [https://sites.google.com/site/longpointsettlers/petitions-b]
* University of Virginia (database online), ''The Founding Era Collection, Founders Early Access, Papers of George Washington'' [http://rotunda.upress.virginia.edu/founders/default.xqy?keys=FOEA-print-01-02-02-4912]
* Nova Scotia Archives (database online), ''Nova Scotia Land Papers 1765-1800'' [http://novascotia.ca/archives/virtual/landpapers/archives.asp?ID=208&Doc=memorial&Page=201100649]
* The French & Indian War Rosters for Greenwich (database online), compiled by Spencer P. Mead, L.L.B., USGenWeb Project [http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/greenwich/greenwich_fiwars.htm]
* Church Records, Fairfield County, Connecticut (database online), USGenWeb Project [http://www.ctgenweb.org/county/cofairfield/pages/newfairfield/ffchurch.htm]
* Robert Mutrie (editor), ''The Long Point Settlers Journal'', Volume 4, Number 3, July 1997. Available back issue.[https://sites.google.com/site/longpointsettlers/lps-journals]
* The Long Point Settlers (database online). Dedicated to the history and genealogy of the early families of Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada. Information about Nathan Bunnell Barnum is found in ten separate sections: 1. Petitions B, 2. The 1796 Surveyor General's Report, 3. Long Point Settlers Journals, 4. Aitken Survey, 5. Revolutionary War Claims "B", 6. Chronology, 7. Owen Chapter 64, 8. Owen Chapter 97, 9. Owen Chapter 107 and 10. Pioneer Settlement. [https://sites.google.com/site/longpointsettlers/system/app/pages/search?scope=search-site&q=barnum]
* Ontario. Dept. of Public Records and Archives., & Fraser, A. (1929). ''Eighteenth report of the Department of Public Records and Archives of Ontario''.
* United Empire Loyalist Centennial Committee, Toronto. (1969). ''The old United Empire Loyalists list''. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co.
* Barnum, Noah G, The Barnum Family, 1517-1904 (Albion, NY: Privately Printed, 1904)
* Barnum, Noah G, The Barnum Family, 1350-1907 (Albion, NY: Privately Printed, 1907)
* Wright, E. C. (1955). ''The loyalists of New Brunswick''. Fredericton, New Brunswick: E.C. Wright.
* Transcript of the records of the Congregational Church of New Fairfield, Connecticut. These records are of particular importance, as the town records of New Fairfield were lost in a fire in 1867. Subsequent Source Citation Format: Transcript of the records of the Congregational Church of New Fairfield, Connecticut. These records are of particular importance, as the town records of New Fairfield were lost in a fire in 1867. BIBL Transcript of the records of the Congregational Church of New Fairfield, Connecticut. These records are of particular importance, as the town records of New Fairfield were lost in a fire in 1867.
* Barnum, Noah G, The Barnum Family, 1350-1907 (Albion, NY: Privately Printed, 1907)
* Information provided by John Richard Barnum, jrbarnum@earthlink.net
* Information provided by Robert Mutrie, editor of ''The Long Point Settlers Journal'', 244 Maple Leaf Avenue North, Ridgeway, Ontario, Canada, L0S 1N0 , www.norfolkgenealogy.com
* Information provided by Clarence W. Wood, 787 Glazier Road, Chelsea, Michigan 48118, CWood92736@aol.com
* Information provided by Patricia Ann Barnum Piazza, mustaing@excite.com
* Information provided by Maris Davis Keck, Maris_K@Pacbell.net


The Sources with tag numbers are hotlinks.
The Barnum Family, 1350-1907 gives Nathan a birth year of 1735.
The Province of New York became the State of New York on April 20, 1777.

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