Charity Hallet was a tailoress in Bethel, Connecticut, prior to her marriage to P. T. Barnum. 'The Barnum Family, 1350-1907' calls her Charity Hallot.
The Bridgeport Standard gave the following account of her funeral services: "The remains of Mrs. P. T. Barnum were brought to this city, upon the 10.12 express this morning, and were taken to Waldemere, where the funeral services were held this afternoon. The house was filled with the relatives and friends of the deceased, to render the last sad tribute of affection and respect, among whom were many of our most prominent citizens and their families, and a number of the clergy of the city. The remains, which ad been embalmed in New York, in accordance with a request received by telegram from Mr. Barnum, who is at Hamburgh, were enclosed in an elegant rosewood casket, and placed in the east parlor at Waldemere. The casket was covered with crowns and crosses, and wreaths of white roses, beautifully arranged. At the head of the casket was a large cross of evergreens, with the word "Mother" in white roses, across the arms, and at the base, "Charity," also in white roses. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Abel C. Thomas, of Philadelphia. He also made a few short remarks upon the past life of the deceased, and addressed comforting words to the mourning friends. After a closing prayer the doxology--"Praise God from whom all blessings flow," was sung by all present, after which an opportunity was given to view the remains. The funeral procession then wended its sorrowful way "from Waldemere and the sound of many waters to the quiet of Mountain Grove." The remains were then placed in the public receiving vault until the return of Mr. Barnum from Europe."
Burial: Mountain Grove Cemetery, Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA.