A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Abel BARNUM

The Barnum Family, 1517-1904 quotes "another authority" as calling Abel the son of Eli, son of Abel 1st.

The 1850 US Census for Danbury, Connecticut, shows an Abel Barnum, farmer, 85 years of age, with an estate valued at $6,000. That notation may refer to either this Abel, to Abel son of Eli or to the third Abel listed above as buried in Bethel.

Estate of Abel Barnum and Annis Barnum, Danbury Probate District, 1851

At a court of Probate held in at Danbury within and for the district of Danbury on the 15th day of November 1851. Present Roger Avrill Quayle. Estates of Abel Barnum late of Danbury in said district deceased. Whereas Abel Barnum and Annis Barnum late of said Danbury deceased and Intestate each having one or more pieces or parcels of Real Estate in said Danbury which now descended to the same process as heirs at Law of said Abel Barnum and Annis Barnum, wife of the said Abel Barnum and after settling the administration account and paying the debts and charges against the Estate of said Abel. There remains for distribution in the hands of the Administrator the sum of $3,465.00 in Real Estate at the inventory price also the sum of $3,726.01 in personal estate belonging to the estate of the said Abel Barnum amounting in all to $7,191.01. And whereas Annis Barnum wife of the said Abel Barnum died intestate leaving to her heirs at law about fifteen acres of land and no Administration of her estate has ever been presented and since her death the Statute of limitations prohibits the granting of Administration. Whereas and no inventory thereof can be made and whereas an examination and inquiry, this court finds that all of the estate of the said Annis consists of the aforesaid fifteen acres of land and that the same is situate in said Danbury and worth at the present time $628.00 making the whole of the Real Estate belonging to her said estate of the said Abel and Annis to amount to $4,093.00 and the whole of the personal estate $3,726.01. Real and personal of both estates amount to $7,819.01. And there being Ira Barnum, Althea McKee, Daniel T. Barnum and Henry Barnum Heirs at Law or their representatives. Therefore Ordered that said Estates be distributed among the said Heirs according to Law. And this court appoints Walter Clark, Ephraim D. Barnum and Hiram Ambler Esquires as interested and judicious process to distribute the same according to law and return make to this court. Attest.

To the Probate Court for the District of Danbury Estate of Abel Barnum late of Danbury and Annis Barnum late of Danbury in said District, deceased, The subscribers, distributors on said estate/having been duly sworn, have set out and distributed the same according to law, as follows: viz,

We set to: Ira Barnum, Son of said deceased Homestead with the Dwelling House thereon bound as follows commencing at the Northwest comer of Timothy A. Benedicts wifes land, thence S19 degrees E 79 Rods & 5 Links by said Benedicts wifes land, thence S 79 1/2 degrees W 24 Rods by Theodore Mayhews land, thence N 19 degrees W 72 1/2 Rods by land herein distributed to Henry Barnum to a heap of stones by Highway thence N 56 1/2 degrees E 11 Rods & N 68 degrees E 15 Rods 17 links by Highway to the place begun at - Valued at $1023.25

And of personal estate: 1 yoke of oxen 100.00
2 Cows 55.00
half of one hog 7.25
Farming tools 15.00
one eighth of rye on ground 1.50
Cash and account 672.75
the undivided one fourth part of Frederick Seeley, Horace H. Couch, John Dibble and Asel Beebe notes of hand 523.88 = 130.97
His share of personal estate $982.47

Set to: Alethea McKee Daughter of said deceased 44 acres 3 Roods 28 Rods of land in the East part of the tract called North Homestead bounded as follows commencing at the Southwest comer of Dr. Erwin's land by Highway thence N 20 1/4 degrees W 46 rods N 25 degrees W 9 Rods 22 links & N 81 1/4 degrees E 17 rods 7 links by Dr. Erwin's land thence N 1 1/4 West 34 rods 7 links & N69 degrees E 3 rods 20 links by Asa Judd's land and thence N 25 1/4 degrees W 47 Rods 10 links S 76 degrees W 20 rods 22 links N 11 3/4 degrees E 15 rods and 20 links & N 62 1/4 degrees W 19 Rods 18 links by John Weed's land thence S 10 1/2 degrees W 36 Rods 15 links by Samuel Dibble's land thence S 2 1/2 degrees W 1.5 Rods 8 links to a heap of stones S 84 1/4 degrees W 6 Rods 20 links to a heap of stones on the west bank of the brook. S 7 1/2 degrees W 7 Rods 7 links to a heap of stones S 39 degrees E 37 Rods 15 links to a heap of stones & S 11 1/4 degrees E 48 Rods to a heap of stones by Highway the five last bearing by land hereinafter set to Daniel T. Barnum, thence N 67 3/4 degrees E 21 Rods & N 74 degrees E 21 Rods 20 links by Highway to the place begun at - Reserving to Edson Barnum & the heirs of said decd the rye on the ground. Valued at $1023.25

And of personal estate 1/8th of rye on the ground 1.50
5 notes of hand amounting to 644.06
cash and account 205.94
The undivided one fourth part of Frederick Seeley, Horace H. Couch, John Dibble and Asel Beebe notes of hand 523.88 = 130.97
Her share of personal estate $982.47

Set to: Daniel T. Barnum, Son of said Deceased 60 acres 3 Roods 29 Rods of land with the Barn & Shed therewith in the West part of the tract called North Homestead bounded as follows: commencing at the Southwest comer of land herein set to Alethea McKee by Highway thence N 11 1/4 degrees W 48 Rods, N 39 degrees W 37 Rods 15 links, N 7 1/2 degrees E 7 Rods, 7 links, N 84 1/4 degrees E 6 Rods 20 links, & N 2 1/2 degrees E 45 Rods 8 links by land herein set to Alethea McKee, thence N 84 1/4 degrees W 26 Rods 8 links, S 2 1/2 degrees W 28 Rods 20 links, S 66 3/4 degrees W 46 Rods 7 links & S 25 degrees E 20 Rods 22 links by Samuel Dibble's land to a large White Oak Tree at the Southeast comer of sd Dibble's land thence N 83 degrees E 6 Rods 17 links, S 85 degrees E 6 Rods, S 47 1/4 degrees E 4 Rods, S 32 1/4 degrees E 11 Rods, S 20 1/4 degrees E 8 Rods S 13 degrees W 14 Rods, S 37 1/2 degrees W 15 Rods & S 27 1/2 degrees W 9 Rods 10 links by John Ambler's land thence S 79 degrees E 41 Rods 10 links & S 17 degrees E 21 Rods 15 links by Samuel Dibble's land, thence N 56 3/4 degrees E 24 Rods 20 links & N 67 3/4 degrees E 8 1/2 Rods by Highway to the place begun at - valued at $1023.25

And of personal estate 1/8 rye on the ground 1.50
cash and account 850.00
the undivided one fourth part of Frederick Seeley, Horace H. Couch, John Dibble and Asel Beebe notes of hand 523.88 = 130.97
His share of personal estate $982.47

Set to: Henry Barnum, Son of said deceased 11 acres 3 Roods 5 Rods in the West part of Homestead bounded as follows: (Viz) Northerly by Highway, & Sam'I Dibble's land, Easterly by land herein set to Ira Barnum, Southerly by Theodore Mayhew and Noah S. Barnum's land each in part and Westerly by Asel Dunning & Sam'l Dibble's land each in part. Also, Taunton Woods containing 3 acres 5 Roods & 10 Rods of land bounded as follows commencing at the Southeast comer of Ara Judd's land thence N 18 1/4 degrees W 33 Rods by said Judd's land thence N 72 1/4 degrees E 24 Rods by Asel Barnum's land to a heap of stones, thence S I degree W 36 Rods 5 links by Lawrence Fairchild & Jening's land to a heap of stones, thence S 78 degrees W 12 Rods, 5 links, by Dr. Erwin's land to place begun at. And also the Tract called Ridge lot containing 4 acres 2 Roods 35 Rods of land bounded as follows commencing at the Northwest comer of Abram Stow's land by Highway thence S 79 3/4 degrees W 21 1/10 Rods by Highway thence S 18 degrees E 39 1/5 Rods by Noah S. Barnum's land thence N 69 1/4 degrees E 10 Rods & N 89 degrees E 9 Rods by Daniel Taylor's land thence N 14 1/2 degrees W 3 8 Rods 15 links by Abram Stow's land to the place begun at - reserving to Edson Barnum and the heirs of said Decd the rye on the ground - valued in the aggregate at $1023.25

And of personal estate 1/8 of rye on the ground 1.50
two cows & two young cattle 80.50
one note of hand 161.37
cash & account 608.13
the undivided one fourth part of Frederick Seeley, Horace H. Couch, John Dibble and Asel Beebe notes of hand 523.88 = 130.97
His share of personal estate $982.47

Danbury April 28th 1852 Signed by: Hiram Ambler, Walter Clark, Ephraim D. Barnum, Distributors
The Barnum Family, 1350-1917 erroneously shows his death date as 25 Mar 1851.

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