The Barnum Family, 1517-1904 mentions two children of Charles H. Barnum, but provides no names.
In the records of the US Southern Claims Commission, Disallowed and Barred Claims, 1871-1880 appears the case of C. H. Barnum, as follows: Rept. #7, Office 503, Barnum, C. H.; 503; 7; Ed H. Barnum and Mary A. Roussell; 21,204; Archive Office, War Department. March 31, 1879. Book 3, Letters Sent, page 396. Case of Estate of Charles H. Barnum. The County of Onslow, North Carolina. The above claimant owned two schooners which were sunk in the Inlets of North Carolina to obstruct the Channels. Barnum filed a claim in the Confederate Treasury Department for pay for the above vessels. House of Representatives US Feby/21/88. Received of Clerk, House of Reps. sundry papers in above named case. /ss/ J. Randolph, sec.
Birth: 1816, Onslow County, North Carolina, USA, Death: Sep. 19, 1865, Swansboro, Onslow County, North Carolina, USA. Burial: Ambrose-Hargett Cemetery, Onslow County, North Carolina, USA. The Ambrose/Hargett Cemetery is located on Hammock Beach Road in Onslow County, North Carolina.