From the Putnam County Republican, Carmel, New York, May 14, 1910:Edward Crosby Barnum, long a clothing manufacturer in New York City, died at his home in Brooklyn, New York on Wednesday May 4th after a long illness, aged 73 years. He was born in Southeast, New York, this county, and was the only son of the late Crane Barnum. He had two sisters, Martha who was unmarried and Eliza, wife of Jonathan Minor, both of whom are dead.
Deceased went to New York when only 16 years old and entered the clothing establishment of Brooks Brothers. When that firm moved uptown, Mr. Barnum established a business at their old stand. He had resided in Brooklyn forty-seven years and had been a member of the Lincoln and Union League Clubs and was past master of Orion Lodge, F & AM. He retired from business two years ago. He is survived by his wife Jennie E. Mott, and one son, Edward Herman. Burial in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York.