From the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Volume 82: Mrs. Eliza Ward Barnum. DAR ID Number: 81502 Born in Naugatuck, Conn. Wife of Eli C. Barnum. Descendant of Culpepper Hoadley and of Abel Lines. Daughter of Lauren Ward (1814-98) and Emily Hotchkiss (1813-87), his wife, m. 1840.
From the Naugatuck Daily News of July 2, 1926: Stricken with an attack of acute indigestion, Mrs. Eliza Ward Barnum died suddenly at 2:45 this afternoon at her home on Elm Street. Mrs. Barnum had been quite well until this morning when she complained of feeling ill. It was not thought that her indisposition was anything serious but a sudden attack ended in her death which was a pronounced and painful shock to all who enjoyed the pleasure of her acquaintance. Mrs. Barnum was a resident of Naugatuck all her life. For years she was active in DAR and Women's Study club affairs. She leaves two sons, Earl M. Barnum of Naugatuck and Frederick W. Barnum of Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Barnum's death follows by only two months that of her husband who passed away on April 30.