A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Charles BARNUM

The Barnum Family, 1517-1904 says "no son." The family is enumerated in the 1860 Census for Thompson, Sullivan, New York as Charles Barnum, age 24, Farmer, Real property $2,500, Personal property $500; Clarissa Barnum, age 60, keeping house. In the 1880 Census for the same location (school commissioner) Charles Barnum age 44, wife Mary S. Barnum, age 39; children: Catherine 8, Clarissa 4, & Julia 2. Mother Clarissa Barnum 80.

From the Monticello (NY) Watchman, April 27, 1884: The Monticello "Watchman" Sold. Port Jervis, N.Y., April 26,--Ex-Congressman George M. Beebe has sold his newspaper, the Monticello Watchman, to Charles Barnum, of Monticello. Politics and office have prevented Mr. Beebe from attending to his journalistic duties for many years, during which time his paper has been conducted by his wife.

From the Middletown (NY) Daily Times, Wednesday, September 28, 1892: --Charles Barnum, Esq., editor of the Monticello Watchman, and the member of the Democratic State Committee for this district, was in town today and favored the Times with a call. Mr. Barnum will devote much of his time in New York until after election, his duties on the State Committee requiring considerable attention.
From the Middletown (NY) Daily Times-Press, Saturday, May 29, 1909: Sullivan County. Surrogate's Court. The last will and testament of Charles Barnum, late of the town of Thompson, has been admitted to probate. To the widow, Mary F. Barnum is given the farm property, near Bridgeville, and all farming implements and household goods, also all stocks, bonds, mortgages and notes. To Clara Barnum and Kate Barnum is given the insurance policy and the one half interest in the Republican Watchman and job printing office to be divided equally between them. To William Fitzsimmons is given the mathematical and scientific library and works on astronomy, also all the instruments that are used in connection with these avocations. Executrices named are Clara Barnum and Mary F. Barnum. Will dated Jan. 11, 1904. Witnesses John M. Watson, Adelbert M. Scriber. Estate valued at $7,500.

Note: William H. Fitzsimmons, mentioned above, was Charles' brother-in-law, the brother of his second wife, Mary Fitzsimmons.

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