A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Samuel Alonzo BARNUM

From the Newtown Register, Newtown, New York, Thursday, June 9, 1887: A Struggle for Life. Mr. Barnum's Desperate Fight with a Burglar. The Desperado Armed with a Dagger, Which He Uses with Telling Effect. He is at Length Overpowered and Bound. Danbury, Conn., June 9.-Samuel A. Barnum, a retired businessman whose residence is on West street, was awakened between 3 and 4 o'clock yesterday morning by a noise in his room. As he opened his eyes he saw that daylight was approaching, and at the same instant he saw a man standing by his bedside. Mr. Barnum thrust his arm under his pillow, pretending to feel for a pistol, and said: "Who are you?" The intruder poised a dagger over Mr. Barnum's head and said: "Hush!" Then the man seized Mr. Barnum's trousers from a chair and made a rush for the door. Mr. Barnum sprang out of bed and grappled with the burglar, who stabbed him twice in the face. They fought the length of a long hallway, tearing up the carpet and streaking the walls with blood. Mr. Barnum got hold of the burglar's throat and threw him. They fell into the bathroom. After a terrific struggle Mr. Barnum managed to get on top of his adversary. The fellow then begged, but Mr. Barnum tightened his grip and tried to strangle him. At this moment the burglar thrust his dagger into Mr. Barnum's shoulder and twisted it around. Mr. Barnum then shouted for help. By this time the whole family were in the hall. Mrs. Barnum was screaming and her daughter was frantic with fear. Arnzi [sic], Mr. Barnum's son, rushed to his father's assistance and they disarmed the burglar. Mrs. Barnum went downstairs and procured a clothes line, and the prisoner was tied hand and foot, carried downstairs and lashed to the stair rails. A messenger was sent for Officer Waggoner, Arnzi and Mrs. Barnum watching their prisoner and the daughter trying to stop the bleeding of her father's wounds. he had been stabbed five times-twice in the face, twice in the shoulder and once in the foot. The point of the dagger was broken off in the struggle, and to this fact, possibly, Mr. Barnum owes his life. He is still suffering from excitement and loss of blood. The prisoner was taken to police headquarters and locked up. He had entered the house by the kitchen window, removed his shoes and lighted a lamp. The dog, which usually barks at the slightest noise, was found stupefied with some drug. The prisoner gave his name as Joshua Jones, of Boston. In his pockets were two empty pocketbooks, two pairs of handsome sleeve buttons, a pair of nippers, a bunch of skeleton keys and Mr. Barnum's silk handkerchief. He seems to be abut 19 years of age, and has very light blue eyes. Detective Wade, who travels with P.T. Barnum's circus, thinks the prisoner is a fellow who has been following the circus and was of a party of thieves who were broken up by the police when the circus was at Pittsfield. If he is, he belongs in Philadelphia. He was bound over to the superior court under $5,000 bonds. Mr. Barnum retired from business some years ago and is very well known throughout western Connecticut.

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