A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Noah Greeley BARNUM

This is the same Noah G. Barnum who compiled The Barnum Family, 1517-1904, and The Barnum Family 1350-1907, two of the sources used in the compilation of this genealogy. At the time of his death, he was 94 years old and the oldest man in Orleans County.

Noah G. Barnum's Obiturary, Carlton Township, Barry County, Michigan. Copyright © 1998 by Debra Eddy. This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations.

NOAH G. BARNUM [Related to the Barnums of Carlton & Woodland Twp., Barry Co., MI]. After his death, his widow moved to Carlton, Barry Co., MI] "History of Orleans County, New York," Town of Yates, pg 317-318--Noah G. Barnum is a farmer and mechanic. He was born in Carlton, New York August 25, 1825 and married March 28, 1849 to Maria Annette Gaskill in Victor, New York. They have had children as follows--Ella B. Tyler born Jan. 7, 1851, died March 1, 1857; Eugene, born March 9, 1854, and Willard W., born November 18, 1857. A school in Carlton is named in honor of Mr. Barnum.

"Landmarks of Orleans Co., NY," pg 19--Barnum, Noah G., was born August 25, 1825, in Yates, and received his education from the Yates common school, and spent his boyhood days on the farm. He afterward improved on his limited education by extensive reading and taught school three winters. He gave up teaching about 1860, and later in life worked at the carpenter's trade for several years and then bought out Richmond Hurd and carried on the wagon business in Yates, manufacturing principally lumber and democrat wagons. This business he followed for twelve years, and then traded his property in Yates for a farm in Murray where he remained two years. He next traded the farm for a store, house and lot in Waterport and moved there March 7, 1881, where he has since resided...

The children of Noah G. and Marie Antoinette Barnum were: Ella, born January 7, 1851, and married John J. Tyler, and they had one child, John B., born May 17, 1874, who died March 20, 1879, and Mrs. Ella Tyler, March 1, 1877; Eugene E., the second child of Mr. and Mrs. Barnum, was born March 9, 1854, and is a physician. He received his early education in the Yates Academy, and subsequently graduated at Williams college, Massachusetts, in 1878. He then studied medicine with Dr. Garlock of the town of Yates, then attended lectures in the University of Pennsylvania and in the University of Buffalo, and was in the Rochester City Hospital fourteen months. In 1881 he located at Waterport and practiced his profession eight years, when his health failed and he moved to Lancaster Court House, Va., where he regained his health and is widely known as a physician. He holds the degrees A.B., A.M. and M.D. He married Effie G. Hutchinson of Gaines, born May 15, 1860, and they have had three children: Eugene E., born April 24, 1885; Dora E., born June 29, 1887, died May 19, 1890; Mildred E., born December 13, 1891. The third child of Mr. and Mrs. Barnum, Willard W., born November 18, 1857, died September 24, 1882. He married Addie E. Johnson, born December 9, 1856, and had two children, Willis Eugene and Willard Ward. Willard Ward died June 4, 1882.

According to an undated Yates directory, Noah G. Barnum of Yates was a wagon maker and patentee of Barnum's patent saw filer.
He was buried in Yates Center Cemetery.

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