A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Truman Edward BARNUM

The Barnum Family, 1517-1904 calls him Eddie Barnum; the Genealogical Record of the Barnum Family calls him T. Eddie Barnum. A History of the Town of Yates says that he served as a private with the 4th New York Heavy Artillery during the Civil War – an obvious impossibility, since he wasn't born until 1866.

From The Niagara Falls Gazette, Tuesday, 16 August, 1932: Relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Barnum Pay Them Honor, Form Organization. A very enjoyable event took place Saturday evening when 80 relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Barnum surprised them at their home on North Main street, the occasion being in honor of Mr. Barnum's birthday. A delicious 1 o'clock dinner was served. The tables were lovely, the color scheme being carried out in pink and white. The table for the honored guest was centered with a beautiful cake decorated in pink rose buds. All having such a pleasant time it was voted to organize and meet in the future as the Barnum reunion and officers were elected as follows: President, Eddie Barnum, Lyndonville; Vice-president, Everett Barnum, Gaines: Secretary, Mrs. Ray VosJer, Lyndonville; Treasurer, Mrs. John Peters, Jr., Lyndonville. Fred Johnson, 77, of Lyndonville, was the oldest guest present, and Gaylord, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Paddock, of Rochester, the youngest. Out of town guests were present from Kuckville, Olcott, Gaines, Barre, Rochester and Buffalo.
He was buried in Lynhaven Cemetery.

A Research Guide to the Genealogy of the Barnum/Barnam/Barnham Family Worldwide




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