The prisoner box or rebellion box mentioned in the profile of Lydia's grandson James F. "Frank" Barnum and other family members was originally sent to her from his prison cell by Henry Weaver, who was imprisoned for his part in the Upper Canada Rebellion (or Rebellion of 1837). Although their relationship has not been determined with exactitude, Lydia was most likely an older sister of Henry. He was apparently born about 1798, since he was about 40 years of age in 1838, when friends petitioned for his pardon (successfully, as it turned out).
Lydia Barnum was enumerated in the 1851 Canada Census, as follows: Name Lydia Barnum, Gender Female, Age 57, Birth Year (Estimated) 1794, Birthplace United States, Province Canada West (Ontario), District Ontario County, District Number 26, Sub-District Pickering, Sub-District Number 245, Affiliate Film Number C_11742.