He is findagrave #122675209, where he is linked with his wife Fanny Cox and 5 of their children.
From the Morning Olympian, Olympia, Washington, March 21, 1930: Montesano, Washington, March 19 - Alfred E. Barnum, 72, a resident of Montesano since 1919, died at his home here early this morning following a week’s illness. Mr. Barnum was born in Ashland, Michigan November 12, 1857, and was married September 3, 1878. He married Fanny Cox who survives him. In 1928, they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. He came to eastern Washington in 1905 and to Montesano in 1910. Besides his widow he is survived by four children: W. C. Barnum and Mrs. J. A. Strehlow of Seattle; Mrs. Effie Bennett of Los Angeles and Mrs. Inez Kurrle of Montesano. A brother, W. J. Barnum lives in Muskegon, Michigan. There are also none grandchildren and four great grandchildren.