A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Orlando Sylvester BARNUM

From: Moffet, Hugh, and Newton Bateman. History of Warren County. Chicago: Munsell, 1903, Chapter XXXIII. Barnum, Orlando S.; retired merchant; Monmouth; was long a leader in the affairs of that city and won a business reputation of which his friends are justly proud. He was born at Orwell, Oswego County, N. Y., February 7, 1830, and was educated in common schools of his native town. He came with his father to Warren County and, July 17, 1844, settled in Tompkins Township, where he lived until 1865, since which he has made his home at Monmouth, where, for twenty-five years (1866-91), he was in the hardware trade, and during the same period was also actively engaged in farming and stock-raising. He filled the office of Supervisor of the city of Monmouth, and was for several years a School Trustee. During the early days of that organization in Monmouth, he was President of the Young Men's Christian Association, but resigned the office because of lack of time in which to properly attend to its duties. He was elected an honorary member of the Eighty-third Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, which was commanded by Colonel A. C. Harding, and is an honorary member of McClanahan Post, Grand Army of the Republic, being the first recipient of such an honor in Monmouth. He married, in Floyd Township. May 15, 1856, Harriet E. Allen, who died January 7, 1898. His grandparents in the paternal line were Seth and Abigail (Bearss) Barnum, natives of Connecticut, the former having been born at Danbury - His grandparents in the maternal line were George and Martha (Pierce) Lanphere, the latter a native of Schoharie County, New York. His parents were Ira and Polly (Lanphere) Barnum. His father was born at Danbury, Conn., November 7, 1798, and died in Warren County, January, 1883: his mother, born in Oneida County, N. Y., in 1802, died in Warren County, in 1874. Mr. Barnum was one of the three sons of his parents, the others being named George A. and Charles L. The latter was, during the civil war, a member of Colonel Harding's regiment. Mr. Barnum is a large land owner in Warren and Henderson Counties, and also owns and operates the Dellvale stock ranch, Norton County, Kan. He was for many years Vice-President of the American Galloway Cattle Breeders Association, and was, for some years, one of the largest breeders of that breed of cattle in Illinois. He was one of the organizers of the Warren County Teachers' Association and its first President; was President of the Monmouth Musical Association for several years; is a member of the Old Settlers' Association and its President, and is now one of the trustees. He has been a trustee of the Warren County Library Association since its organization. He was one of the organizers and for some years President of the Retail Agricultural Implement Dealers' Association of Illinois. Fraternally he is a Mason. Mr. Barnum has always been ranked among the citizens of Mon-mouth who were ready with both counsel and money for the advancement of the city's welfare and progress. It is but just too say in conclusion that, from beginning his business career by chopping wood for twenty-five cents a cord, there is probably no man in Warren County who has made a more eminent success in the business world, or who is more universally esteemed. He has always affiliated with the Republican party and is a communicant of the Baptist Church.

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