A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for David BARNUM

From the Luzerne County Federalist of 26 Nov 1803: 100 Acres, adjoining the river, with a neat two story Frame House, Kitchen, Store house a large new frame Barn, 32 by 42 feet, with Shades and Stabling; about 3 acres of this tract with the improvements, now rent for $100 per annum, being occupied as a tavern and store by David Barnum, Esq. The other part is occupied by a tenant on shares.

David & Anna Kirby Barnum Ref: The Kirbys of New England, Dwight, Melatiah Everett, 1898; Bibliographic Information: Dwight, Melatiah Everett. The Kirbys of New England. The Trow Print. New York. MDCCCXCVIII. Reference for birth, death, marriage dates & the following colorfully written information: David Barnum, widely known as the original proprietor of the hotel in Baltimore which bore his name, early emigrated from his native State and settled in Northern Pennsylvania. From thence he removed to Philadelphia, where he became the proprietor of the "Shakespeare Hotel." He subsequently removed to New York City, where he remained for awhile, and then went to Boston to take charge of the "Exchange Coffee House," which he conducted with success until the burning of that edifice in 1818, by which he lost all. He then went to Baltimore, and soon established himself in public confidence as the proprietor of the "Indian Queen Hotel," which he continued to conduct until 1826, when he built "Barnum's City Hotel," with which his name and fame have been from that time blended. He died within the walls of the hotel which bore his name, May 10, 1844, aged seventy-three years. The "Baltimore Sun," in the notice of his death, pays the following tribute to his memory: "The career of Mr. Barnum has been one of active enterprise in the capacity which has extended his name and reputation to all parts of the United States. The ability with which he has fulfilled his duty as the host of innumerable guests will find ample testimony from the multitude to which it may be referred; while the urbanity of his manners, the courteous dignity of his intercourse, and the unblemished probity of his character combined to elicit the sincere regret of his friends." The same newspaper, in an article upon the death of Mrs. Ann Kirby Barnum, says: "She was a younger sister of Colonel Ephraim Kirby, who was conspicuous in New England during the struggle for American Independence. In early life she married the late David Barnum, well and favorably known as the original proprietor of the hotel which has since borne his name. Settling here, this estimable lady witnessed the progress of our city from what would be regarded as an inconsiderable town to a great commercial metropolis, and in all that pertained to the advancement of Baltimore she ever took an ardent interest. During the many years since the death of the elder Mr. Barnum, his widow has always made the hotel her home, and perhaps it may not be too much to say that in time past no lady was more extensively known or more universally respected in different parts of the country than was Mrs. Barnum. Of a lively and social disposition, with a heart given to kindness, and with a most remarkable memory, that remained almost unimpaired nearly to the hour of her death, Mrs. Barnum made and retained the acquaintance of many distinguished persons. Only a week or two since, when George Peabody, Esq., visited Baltimore, Mrs. Barnum heard of his arrival, and, although she knew herself to be on her deathbed, insisted on an interview with the philanthropic gentleman--one of her old familiar friends. Mr. Peabody took the earliest moment to pay his respects, and for an hour sat by her bedside, and together they talked of the scenes of the past. Their parting is said to have been of a very affecting nature. Thus has passed from earth one of those interesting links that bind us to the last century, and her honored grave will be bedewed with the tears of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren."

From Scharf, J. T. (1881). History of Baltimore City and County, from the earliest period to the present day: Including biographical sketches of their representative men. Philadelphia: L.H. Everts: The foundation of "Barnum's City Hotel", on the southwest corner of Fayette and Calvert Streets, was laid in 1825 by Messrs. D. Barnum, W. Shipley, and J. Philips, Jr. In the Federal Gazette for Sept. 11, 1826, it is announced that "Mr. Barnum will accommodate the Philadelphia volunteer company of Washington Blues at his hotel, although it is not quite finished". On the 27th of September, 1826, Mr. Barnum was in complete possession, and was enabled to render his guests so comfortable that several were induced to extend their stay in the city for days and weeks instead of passing rapidly through it. The basement is of granite from the Susquehanna, near Port Deposit, and the front appointments of this story were originally used as a post-office. On Friday, May 10, 1844, David Barnum died, in the seventy-fourth year of his age; the funeral took place from the hotel on the Monday following. In the spring of 1848 an important addition was made, extending from the original termination of the hotel on Fayette Street one hundred and thirty-five feet westwardly. In 1855, by the withdrawal of Zenus Barnum from the firm, Andrew McLaughlin became sole proprietor, and so remained until his death, on the 29th of January, 1863. Mr. Zenus Barnum then for a short time resumed control of the house as administrator, but in 1865 was succeeded in the management by Daniel and Joseph Dorsey. On the 15th of December, 1870, the property was sold at auction by Messrs. F. A. Bennett & Co., for three hundred thousand dollars, to Robert E. Fowler and others. It had at that time been for about ten years the subject of litigation, and consequently somewhat neglected, though apparently without any injury to its reputation as a house of entertainment. The present proprietors are Barnum & Co.

From The New York Times, August 31, 1874, pg. 5: Fourteen Years' Litigation Ended. Judge Pinkney, of the Baltimore Circuit Court, made, on Wednesday, a decree in the case of Barnum vs. Barnum, which has been four times before the Court of Appeals. That court decided that David Barnum, the founder and former owner and proprietor of Barnum's City Hotel, in Baltimore, who died in 1844, had left to his children only a life estate in said property, and that the absolute ownership in it would rest in his grandchildren, who would, however, have to pay for the permanent improvements put upon the property from June, 1844, to 1861. Andrew McLaughlin, a son-in-law of David Barnum, conducted the hotel after the death of its founder, and he, supposing the children of David Barnum had the absolute ownership of the property, purchased their interests, and took deeds for the same. He subsequently, between 1844 and 1861, made extensive improvements to the hotel. These improvements were found by testimony to be of the value of $74,222.22, which, being deducted from the proceeds of the sale of the property, the balance was to be divided among the heirs; but the other heirs resisted the claim of the representatives of John R. Barnum on the ground that he was not a legitimate son of David Barnum. The rights of the heirs of John R. Barnum have been defended with ability and fidelity By E. Beatty Graff, Esq., who has been opposed by the late Thomas S. Alexander, George Williams and and Thales A. Linthicum, the attorneys for the complainants, David and Augustus K. Barnum; by the late William Schley, J. Nevitt Steele, S. H. Taggart and Wm. P. Preston, attorneys for the heirs of Andrew McLaughlin; and by messrs. Hinkley and Morris, attorneys for the heirs of Eliza Stannard. The decree of Judge Pinkney decides that John R. Barnum was the legitimate son of David Barnum, and that his heirs are entitled to share in the distribution of the property. The new accounts to be stated by the auditor will divide the estate into five parts, instead of four parts, as stated in the last account. One-fifth of the net proceeds of sale, with rents from 1853, will be allowed to the complainants, David and Augustus K. Barnum; one-fifth to E. Beatty Graff, Esq., as executor of John R. Barnum, with rents from Oct. 26, 1866; one-fifth of net proceeds of sale to Mrs. Eliza Stannard's children, and two-fifths to Andrew McLaughlin's heirs, now represented by Daniel Dorsey and Robert Fowler's heirs.

Paradoxically, in The History of Wyoming, by William Penn Miner there appears an explanation of a map of Connecticut surveys containing the following note: The designation of "Barnum" at Lawsville, in the town of Cunningham, shews the log-cabin tavern (1800) of that prince of Hotel keepers, afterwards of Baltimore.

In the August 6, 1841 edition of the Raleigh Register & North-Carolina Gazette, Raleigh, North Carolina, the following advertisement appeared: When in Baltimore, Stay at David Barnum's City Hotel. Barnum's City Hotel. The Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and patrons that, after a lapse of five years, he has resumed the proprietorship of the City Hotel, and has spared neither pains nor expense in putting the house in complete order―the exterior as well as the interior has been thoroughly cleaned and painted, the halls flagged with marble, the parlors and chambers refurnished, and the entire establishment thoroughly reorganized. The subscriber therefore hopes, that by his long experience in the business, and untiring exertions to please, to merit and receive that liberal share of patronage heretofore extended to him―it being the aim of himself and those in his employ, to make the City Hotel not only the traveller's home but also a place of real enjoyment. David Barnum. Baltimore, July 27.

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