A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Job Vassell BARNUM

Job V. Barnum is listed in the US Censuses for Monkton, Addison County, Vermont from 1810 through 1840.

The following entry for Job appears in the 1828-1832 ledger of James Barton, Blacksmith, Ferrisburg Hollow, Addison County, Vermont:
Page 71; 1831 Dr [debit] Job Barnum
July 26. To Shoeing a horse $0.25 Do [ditto] August $33/100 = $0.58
August 20 To Shoeing $0.44 = $0.44
Paid and Setled $1.02

Job was listed in the LDS Member Name Index, 1830-45, Pottawattamie County, Iowa, High Priests Record, 1848-1851.

In the 1850 US Census for District 21, Pottawattamie County, Iowa the family of Job Barnum was enmumerated as follows;
Dwelling #1046; Family #1046
Job Barnham, 62, M, Farmer, b. Vermont
Marshy Barnham, 52, F, b. Vermont
Guy Barnham, 24, M, Farmer, b. Vermont
Meranda Barnham, 24, F, b. New York
Guy Barnham, 3, M, b. Iowa
Geo. Barnham, 6/12, M, b. Iowa
Denison Durphy, 16, M, No occupation, b. Vermont
Jas. Durphy, 12, M, b. Vermont

In the 1860 US Census for Decatur, Burt County, Nebraska Territory the family of Job Barnum was enumerated as follows:
Dwelling #81; Family #44
Job V. Barnum, 72, M, Hotel keeper, Real property $1,275 b. Vermont
Marcia Barnum, 60, F, b. Vermont
George E. Barnum 10, M, b. Iowa
Helen Barnum, 5, F, b. Iowa
Julia Scott, 22, F, Domestic, b. Ohio

Job V. Barnum served as an ensign in Captain Othniel Jewett's company; 12 Apr-21 Apr 1814, during the War of 1812. He also appears in some record as Job Vassal Barnum and Job Vernal Barnum. War of 1812 Service Records about Job V Barnum; Name: Job V Barnum; Company: Summer's Regiment, Vermont Militia. Rank - Induction: Ensign; Rank - Discharge: Ensign; Roll Box: 11; Roll Exct: 602.

Illinois Public Land Purchase Records about Barnum, Job V.; Name: Barnum, Job V.; Section: NENE; Price: 125; Total: 5000; Date: 27 Oct 1842; Volume: 699; Page: 098; Type: FD; Sect: 1; Township: 07N; Range: 07W; Meridian: 4; Acres: 4,000; Corr-Tag: 0; ID: 007071.
His birth is not recorded in the Town Records of Monkton, as are the dates of his
siblings. The Independent State of Vermont was constituted on 2 June 1777, and joined the Union as the 14th state on 4 March 1791.

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