From the Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 25 Apr 1912, Thursday, Page 9:
Albion Women, Fleeing from Mexico, Have Arrived Home. Mrs. Eugene Barnum Says Situation Is a Serious One — Mr. Barnum in Mines.
Albion, April 24.—Since the situation in Mexico has become so grave, and the United States has taken such a firm hand in dealing with our Southern neighbor, residents of Orleans county are deeply interested for the reason that one of her native sons, Eugene Barnum, of Gaines, superintendent of the Pachuca silvermines, is still In the mines unable to get away.
His wife, who before her marriage was Miss Laura English, daughter of Mrs Eliza English, of this village, has arrived at the home of her mother, accompanied by her sister. Mrs. Barnum states that the Mexican depredations against American life and property in that country has reached a serious stage, and that the Mexicans are driving out the Americans in a vigorous manner. She and her sister were compelled to leave everything and make a hurried flight in order to save their lives. They went to Vera Cruz, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, and from there came by ship to New York Mr. Barnum is a young man who graduated from the Albion High School about twelve years ago, and is well known in the central part of Orleans county.