A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for John Wycoff AMERMAN

From the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, January 3, 1876: John W. Amerman. In the death of John. W. Amerman, on Thursday last, Brooklyn has lost one of its oldest and most esteemed citizens. Mr. Amerman was born at the head of Main street, this city, April 2, 1809; the house is still standing on the ground which then formed a portion of the farm, owned by his father. Beginning life as a printer, he followed that occupation for nearly half a century -- up to the time of his death. In 1834 he, in connection with Mr. P. T. Barnum, his brother-in-law, conducted a newspaper at Norwalk, Conn., Styled the Herald of Freedom, but the decided opinions expressed in its editorial columns on the topics of that day too frequently involved its proprietors in libel suits to make it a pecuniary success. The paper eventually passed into other hands, and Mr. Amerman returned to New York and formed a partnership with the late James Van Norden, under the firm name of Van Norden & Amerman, and made law printing a specialty. It was by this he was brought into contact with and made the acquaintance of many of the leading members of the New York Bar. Mr. Amerman when a young man adopted for his guidance the maxim, "Be just and fear not," and his whole life was one of probity and in conformity to this principle, fulfilling every obligation to his fellow man. Socially, he was of a genial nature, but retiring in his disposition, and of a cultivated taste. At the time of his death Mr. Amerman was the oldest job printer in New York, and was beloved and esteemed by a large circle of employees. The funeral services will be held at his late residence, No. 277 Washington street, to-morrow afternoon, at 2 o'clock.

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