A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Clark Joshua BARNUM

Occupation: machinist. Clark is listed in the 1910 census as working as a laborer for Valve Manufacturing, Elmira, NY. File Card from Woodlawn Cemetery - Name: Barnum, CLARK J., Sex: male, Place of Death: Geneva, NY, Date of Death: June 1, 1916, Date of Interment: June 3, 1916, Cause of Death: R.R. Accident, Age: 32 years, In Whose Lot Interred: W.R. Barnum, No. of Lot: 219, No. of Sec: YY, Undertaker: W.C. Harrington, Elmira, NY

Elmira Herald, June 1, 1916, p. 9 - Elmiran Falls Beneath Wheels From Freight Train at Geneva. Clark Barnum of West Second Street Attempted to Dismount From a Freight Train Shortly After Midnight and in Some Manner Was Thrown Under the Wheels--Body Is Horribly Mangled and He Dies Later in Hospital--John O'Reagan Sees the Fatality. Clark Barnum, a well-known young man, who resided at 603 West Second Street, was killed shortly after midnight in the Geneva yards of the New York Central Railroad. The young man fell beneath the wheels of the freight train from which he was alighting. Death following in the Geneva Hospital at 1:45 o'clock a.m. Young Barnum and John O'Reagan, a well-known Southside youth, who resides at 429 Broadway, left Elmira for Geneva yesterday on Freight trains. The terrible tragedy of his companion was witnessed by O'Reagan, who notified railroad men immediately. The car wheels severed Barnum's left leg at the hip; left arm at the shoulder and right foot at the ankle. He was mangled horribly. His condition was such that the physicians considered an operation unnecessary. Word of the young man's condition was received at local police headquarters by Captain Bowne of the night force, who notified Walter D. Barnum, father of the youth. Mr. Barnum, heartbroken, left for Geneva and returned with the body today. Young O'Reagan was detained at Geneva pending the arrival of his parents.

Elmira Star-Gazette, Thurs., June 1, 1916, p.2 - Elmiran Mangled Under Car Wheels Dies Soon In Hospital In Geneva - Clifford (should be CLARK) Barnum, aged Thirty-three, Machinist of This City, Is Thrown When Jumping From Train - Companion Sees Accident - Clark J. Barnum, aged 33 years, a machinist living at 603 West Second Street, Elmira, was killed by the cars in Geneva last night. He suffered the loss of his left leg at the hip; left arm at the shoulder and right foot at the ankle. He was taken to the Geneva hospital but the doctors determined it would be useless to operate and the man died at 1:45 o'clock this morning. Barnum, accompanied by John O'Reagan of 429 South Broadway, left here yesterday on a freight train for Syracuse where both had secured employment. As the train was pulling into the Geneva yards both jumped, but Barnum slipped beneath the wheels and was horribly mangled. O'Reagan witnessed the frightful accident and immediately notified a group of trainmen in the yards. The ambulance was summoned and the Elmiran rushed to the Geneva hospital. He was too badly injured, however, to entertain any hopes of recovery. Captain Bowne was notified at police headquarters here and the young man's parents in turn were informed. Walter B. Barnum, his father, went to Geneva this morning to care for the remains, which will be brought back to Elmira for burial. Barnum was a machinist by trade and learned his trade in this city. He had secured a good position in a Syracuse shop and left his home yesterday intending to begin work this morning. The decedent is survived by his father, Walter Burdett Barnum, two brothers, Arthur L. and Milo D. and two sisters, Mrs. Irvine Van Patten and Miss Eloise Barnum. The remains will be removed to Elmira tonight and placed in the Harrington undertaking rooms. They will be removed to the family home Friday evening and the funeral will be announced later.

Obituary from Elmira Star-Gazette, Elmira, NY, Friday, June 2, 1916 - The funeral of Clark J. Barnum will be held at the family home, 602 W. 2nd St., Sat. at 2 p.m., Rev. W. E. Legg officiating. Burial at Woodlawn.
He died in a railroad accident.
He was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery.

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