The David Hamar family was enumerated in the 1910 US Census for Crook County, Oregon as follows:
Dwelling #93, Family #93
Hamar, David; Head; M; W; 61; marriage #2; married 2 yrs; b. Indiana; father b. Indiana; mother b. Indiana; native tongue English; rancher; works on ranch; Empl. Acct: Emp; can read and write English; owns a farm home with a mortgage; on Farm Schedule 60.
Hamar, Mathilda J.; Wife; F; W; 58; marriage #2; married 2 yrs; mother of 2; 1 living; b. England; father b. England; mother b. England; emmigrated 1854; naturalized citizen; native tongue English; housekeeper; works in house; Empl Act: OA*; can read and write English.
Hamar, Cecil J.; daughter; F; W; 11; S; b. Oregon; father b. Indiana; mother b. California; native tongue English; no trade or profession; can read and write English; attended school during the previous year.
Hamar, Sarah B.; daughter; F; W; 9; S; b. Oregon; father b. Indiana; mother b. California; no trade or profession; can read and write English; attended school during the previous year.
Hamar; Ida M.; daughter; F; W; 6; S; b. Oregon; father b. Indiana; mother b. California; no trade or profession; attended school during the previous year.
Hamar, Rose A.; daughter; F; W; 3; S; b. Oregon; father b. Indiana; mother b. California; no trade or profession.
Kizer, Audred; step son; M; W; 22; S; b. Oregon; father b. Iowa; mother b. California; no trtade or profession; can write English.
Barnem, Fredrick L.; step son; M; W; 15; S; b. Kansas; father b. Canada; mother b. England; native tongue English; no trade or profression; can read and write English; attended school during the previous year.