The following information is from a family bible originally owned by David Picket Hoyt. This bible, which dates from 1809 (published by Mathew Carey, Philadelphia) is currently in the hands of Andrew Hoyt Dorr. He received it about 25 years ago from Gertrude Kemp, a friend of his grandmother Jesse Colby Colgate. Mrs. Kemp and his grandmother thought they were related, but were not, according to his father. The bible comes from the family of her husband, Hoyt Tredway, and belonged to his great great-great grandfather. Andrew Dorr is not certain of the relationship between Mrs. Hoyt and his grandmother Dorr. The bible is in fair to good condition, having been repaired about 25 years ago by Bob Johnson, a family friend in Oregon. The bible is leather bound and embellished with maps. It measures about 8 by 10 inches and and is 4 inches thick. It shows the wear of a book almost two hundred years old.
On the second inside cover, the book is inscribed "Widow Mary Hoyt, her Book". David Picket's wife was Mary Barnum. The bible contains a 12-page family record section beautifully written in script. The writing appears to be in several hands, including those of both David and Mary, written over many years.
Page 1: (Some punctuation added for clarification).
"I David P. Hoyt _?_ married to Mary Barnum on the fortunate day of October in the year of our lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Two 1802 Oct 14th."
"Julia Ann Hoyt, the eldest child of David P. and Mary Hoyt married Friend Humphrey of the city of Albany on October 31st - 1825. signed _ B Hoyt."
"Joseph B. Hoyt was married to Morgan H. Gardner at Salem, state of Massachusetts on November 29th 1829."
"Mary Emeline Hoyt, second child of that name spoken of in this record - was married in Utica to George Washington Beebee of Cleveland Ohio on the 21st day of April AD 1835. Elder Williams was the officiating minister."
"Mary Hoyt, Widow of the late David P. Hoyt was again married to Alexander M. Beebee Esq. at Utica - Editor of the New York Baptist Register on the 26th day of June AD 1834. Elder Kingsford was the officiating minister."
"Clarinda E. Hoyt, daughter of J.B. and M.H. Hoyt was married to Joseph M. Campo of Albany about December 1852." (Small script, hard to read).
Page 2 Title "Births"
"I David P. Hoyt, Owner of This Bible, was Born in Danbury Connecticut in the year of our lord 1778, Nov. 17th.
Mary Hoyt my wife was born in Danbury Connecticut in the year of Our Lord 1784 May 29th."
"Julia Ann Hoyt, our eldest child was born in Utica, Oneida County, state of New York in the year of our lord 1804 May 19th."
"Joseph Barnum Hoyt our second child was born Utica, County Oneida, St. of New York in the Year of Our Lord 1806 September 28th."
"Mary Emeline Hoyt our 3rd Child was born in Utica, Oneida County, State of New York in the Year of Our Lord 1810, on the day 4th of March at 5 O'clock in morning." (a bit hard to read)
"Clarinda Hoyt, our 4th child was born at Utica, December 5th 1812 at 5 O'clock morning."
"James Madison, our fifth child was born at Utica, Oneida County, State of New York the 16th day of January 1815 at 3 O'clock morning."
"Mary Emeline Hoyt, our 6th child and 2nd by the name was born at Utica February 7th 1817 at 6 O'Clock morning."
"Sarah Ellen Hoyt, our 5th daughter was born in Utica, the 14th day of February, 1820 at 8 O'clock morning." (Great- great Grandmother of Andrew Hoyt Dorr).
Apoplexy [Heart Attack]