From the American Philatelic Society Hall of Fame - 1942-1945: W. Hamilton Barnum was a popular and admired figure in national philately and in the Cleveland area. He became a collector in 1890 at age 12, joined Cleveland's Garfield-Perry Stamp Club in 1895 and served as its president in 1902.
“Ham” joined the American Philatelic Association (now the APS) in 1894. From the start he was an active member, serving in many positions, including the Board of Vice-Presidents in 1923-1924. He also participated in the activities of the Philatelic Sons of America in the 1890s when it attracted young collectors to its ranks and for a time was the largest stamp club in the United States. Barnum attended nearly every APA/APS and PSA convention from 1895 until his death and played an active role in the evolution and growth of philately in the US.
World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 about William Hamilton Barnum. Name: William Hamilton Barnum; City: Cleveland; County: Cuyahoga; State: Ohio; Birth Date: 8 Sep 1878; Race: White; FHL Roll Number: 1831860; DraftBoard: 15; Age: 40; Occupation: illegible; Nearest Relative: Grace B. Barnum; Height/Build: Medium/Medium; Color of Eyes/Hair: Blue/Dark Brown.
Id#: 0014637. Name: Barnum, W. Hamilton. Date: Nov 13 1937. Source: Source unknown; Cleveland Necrology File, Reel #004. Notes: Barnum: W. Hamilton, husband of Grace Barnum, brother of Mrs. Frances Barnum Smith. Detroit, Mich., at his late residence, 1844 E. 90th St. Friends may call at the funeral home of J. H. Brown & Son, Inc. 8128 Carnegie Ave., where services will be held Saturday, Nov. 13, at 2:30 p. m.