From The Niagara Falls Gazette, Thursday, 30 September 1937: Dies at Lockport. George F. Barnum, 78, Former Well Known Cooper There. Lockport, Sept. 30.-George F. Barnum, 78, former cooper, of 93 Juniper street, died this morning at the City hospital, following an extended illness. The funeral will be held Saturday at 2:30 p. m. at the home. Interment will be in Cold Springs cemetery. Born January 13, 1859, in this city, Mr. Barnum was a son of the late Edward W. and Mary Simpson Barnum, both native Lockport residents. He attended the public schools and followed the cooper trade for 50 years in the former Little cooper shop here. For the past ten years he had been retired. He was a member of Constellation Lodge, I. O. O. F., of this city. Surviving is one brother, Frank S. Barnum, of this city. Another brother, Edward W. Barnum, a retired postoffice employee, died last December 16.