The New York Times, September 8, 1941. Eleanor Barnum to Become a Bride. Middlebury Alumna to Be wed to Dr. Frank S. Gardner.
The engagement of Miss Eleanor Eddy Barnum, daughter of Mrs. Harry Huntington Barnum of this city, and the late Professor Barnum of Istanbul, Turkey, to Dr. Frank Streeter Gardner, son of Henry Gardner of Brookline, Mass., and the late Mrs. Gardner, has been announced.
The prospective bride attended the Istanbul Women's College, was graduated from Middlebury College in 1938 and studied at Boston University.
Dr. Gardner recently received his doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, from which he was graduated in 1938. At present he is doing research work in the laboratories of the American Brake Shoe and Foundry Company, Mahwah, N. J.
The wedding will take place in early October.