A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Amos Elwood LETSON

1900 United States Federal Census about Amos E. Letson. Name: Amos E. Letson; Home in 1900: Freedom, Palo Alto, Iowa; Age: 49; Estimated Birth Year: abt 1851; Birthplace: New York; Relationship to head-of-house: Head; Spouse's Name: Ella M; Race: White; Occupation: Farm laborer; Household Members: Amos E. Letson, 49; Ella M Letson, 46; Mabel L Letson, 19; Ann L Letson, 17; Elwood J Letson, 5; Martin W Barnum, 56.

1910 United States Federal Census about Amos Letson. Name: Amos Letson; Age in 1910: 59; Estimated Birth Year: abt 1851; Birthplace: New York; Relation to Head of House: Head; Father's Birth Place: New York; Mother's Birth Place: New York; Spouse's Name: Ella; Home in 1910: Township 13, Fresno, California; Marital Status: Married; Race: White; Gender: Male; Household Members: Amos Letson, 59; Ella Letson, 54; Elwood Letson, 15.

1920 United States Federal Census about Amos E Letson. Name: Amos E Letson; Home in 1920: Township 13, Fresno, California; Age: 69 years; Estimated Birth Year: abt 1851; Birthplace: New York; Relation to Head of House: Head; Spouse's Name: Ella M; Father's Birth Place: New York; Mother's Birth Place: New York; Marital Status: Married; Race: White; Sex: Male; Home owned: Owned; Able to read: Yes; Able to Write: Yes; Household Members: Amos E Letson, 69; Ella M Letson, 65.
Obituary from the Laton newspaper: Early Settler Is Called To Rest, Funeral Friday. Another of the early settlers of Laton passed away early Wednesday evening, when the reaper summoned Amos Elwood Letson, for twenty-four years a resident of this community, and one of the group of Emmettsburg, Iowa, men who followed W. E. G. Saunders in his venture of colonizing the Laguna De Tache Grant. Mr. Letson was a native of New York State, but went from there to Iowa when a youth nineteen years of age. He was born December 8, 1850, and would have been 79 years of age next December. During the nearly 80 years of his active life, he witnessed many changes in the world's method of doing things. Most of the great inventions now commonplace to the younger generation were developed during his life time, and he surely lived in an interesting period of the world's history. Outstanding among his manyy worthy characteristics was that he was always kindly and always ready and watchful, to grasp the opportunity to help someone. This trait endeared him to all who knew him, and with his passing there is general regret throughout the circle of his acquaintance. Mr. Letson came here with his family from Iowa at the request of Mr. Saunders, of the Nares and Saunders Co., in 1905. During his residence here he was variously employed as farmer, road superintendent and in the transfer business, being eminently successful at whatever he turned his hand to. He was for six years road superintendent for the county, under Supervisor Wells. He had been retired five or six years from active life and lived on his farm three-fourths of a mile northwest of Laton, on the Creamery Road. Though in feeble health for perhaps a year, Mr. Letson was able to be about until Thursday last, when upon returning from a walk to the home of a freind some blocks distance, he was seized with a spell apparently of stomach trouble. He was cared for at the home of his old friend Ed Peterson until members of his family arrived and medical attention could be obtained. Then a little later he received a stroke which hastened the end, which came at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening. In passing, Mr. Letson leaves his widow, a faithful and much beloved life companion, Mrs. Ella May Letson. Also there are living two children, Mrs. H. L. Patterson, of Fresno and Elwood J. Letson, of Laton. The grandchildren are Lester Whitson, of Redding; Mrs. Ortho (sic) Widener, of Ontario, California; James Whitson, of Livermore; Lucile and Bobby Whitson, of Long Beach, Dean Patterson, of Fresno, and Bobby and Jean Letson, of Laton. Two brothers surviving are J. Letson, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Asel Letson, of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at the chapel of the Lisle Undertaking Parlors, in Fresno, and burial will be in Fowler cemetery. The Rev. Beall of the First Christian Church of Fresno will conduct the service.

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