A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Eli BARNUM

1910 Census, North Lakeview Precinct, Lake County, Oregon, Page 171b, Household 44-44. Barnum, Eli, head, 31, m., 1st., 9 yrs., Oregon, California, California, laborer, livery stable; Barnum, Myrtle, wife, 26, m., 9 yrs., 1st, 3-3 children, Oregon, Oregon, Iowa, none; Barnum, William Earle, son, 8, Oregon, Oregon, Oregon, none; Barnum, Orva An, daughter, 6, Oregon, Oregon, Oregon, none; Barnum, Esther Thorne, daughter, 3, Oregon, Oregon, Oregon, none.

Melany Tupper has written to say that Eli died tragically in Lakeview, Oregon on December 7, 1910. In November of 1911 his widow, Myrtle, remarried. She suspects that the three children, William E., Orva A., and Esther T., were sent off to live with family in Siskiyou County, California, but she is not sure. Orva met her husband in Siskiyou County and lived there most of her life.
From the Lake County Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon, December 8, 1910: This Community was shocked yesterday afternoon by the report that Eli Barnum had suicided by shooting himself with a .32 caliber pistol. The bullet entered the body just above the heart, and he died about a half hour after committing the deed. He was unconscious from the time of firing the fatal shot until he passed away. No inquest was deemed necessary by the authorities and his remains will be laid to rest in the Odd Fellows cemetery. Mr. Barnum was about 37 years old and leaves a wife and two [sic, three] small children. He was raised in this county and at the time of his death was associated with Roy Rehart in the conduction of the Mammoth Stables. He was well liked by all who knew him and his sad death is deeply to be regretted. His troubles were of a domestic nature and his wife is prostrated over the terrible ending of her late husband. This deed was committed in their home on Water Street, and seems to have been the result of a determination on the part of both not to live together longer. He doubtless thereupon concluded that life was not worth the cost and quickly ended all.

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