Baptism: On this twenty-eighth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty four, Delia Diantha, daughter of Sherman P. Barnum, M.D. of this Parish, born on the nineteenth day of April last past, was baptized. The parents were admitted as the only sponsors. Signed, James Reid, Rector. Signatures: S. P. Barnum and Sarah Barnum. From the registers of the Holy Trinity Anglican Church (also called Bishop Stewart Memorial Church) serving Saint Armand East (now called Frelighsburg). Québec National Archives microfilm #M-124.4.
Baptism. On this twenty eighth day of July one thousand eight hundred and forty four, Delia Diantha, daughter of Sherman P. Barnum, M.D. of this Parish, born on the nineteenth day of April last past, was baptized. The parents were admitted as the only sponsors. Signed James Reid, Rector. Signatures: S. P. Barnum and Sarah Barnum. From the registers of the Holy Trinity Anglican Church (also called Bishop Stewart Memorial Church) serving Saint Armand East (now called Frelighsburg). Québec National Archives microfilm #M-124.4.