Death record: Jane Westover Barnum, daughter of the late Sherman P. Barnum M.D. of this Parish, died at the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario, on the third day of June one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine in the thirty-third year of her age and was buried in the Parish on the fifth day of the same in presence of the subscribing witnesses. Signed, J. Burrows Davidson, Rector. Signatures: J. Chamberlin M.D. and B. Chamberlin. (ED NOTE: B. Chamberlin was Brown Chamberlin, the maternal grandfather of Jane. J. Chamberlin could have been her mother's brother). From the registers of the Holy Trinity Anglican Church (also called Bishop Stewart Memorial Church) serving Saint Armand East (now called Frelighsburg), Québec National Archives microfilm #M-124.4.
Death record. Jane Westover Barnum daughter of the late Sherman P. Barnum M.D. of this Parish, died at the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario, on the third day of June one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine in the thirty third year of her age and was buried in the Parish on the fifth day of the same in presence of the subscribing witnesses. Signed J. Burrows Davidson, Rector. Signatures J. Chamberlin M.D. and B. Chamberlin. (ED NOTE: B. Chamberlin was Brown Chamberlin; the maternal grandfather of Jane. J. Chamberlin might have been her mother's brother). From the registers of the Holy Trinity Anglican Church (also called Bishop Stewart Memorial Church) serving Saint Armand East (now called Frelighsburg), Québec National Archives microfilm #M-124.4.