A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Frances V. BARNUM

On 30 June 1870, Lucas and Fanny, along with Fanny's relative Charles Deniston, lived in Paradise Township, Grand Traverse County, Michigan. Lucas was a lumber manufacturer, while Fanny was keeping house. Lucas owned $2,500 in real estate and $400 in personal estate. Fanny owned $500 in real estate and $600 in personal estate.
In June 1880, Lucas W. and Fannie Knight, Fannie's sons Edward and Clarence, adopted daughter Carrie Knight, and "help" Jane Hart lived in Paradise Township. Lucas was a farmer while Fannie was keeping house.
"Obituary. Frances Marcum[?] Knight, after a lingering illness at her home in Mayfield, Mich., Feb. 23, 1893, peacefully departed this life. Mrs. Knight was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and was the daughter of Henry Barnum and Cornelia C. (Dennistorn) Barnum, and was aged fifty years.
She had been a resident of Grand Traverse County twenty-five years, and was married to Lucius W. Knight soon after coming to the wilderness.
Hers was a home-life, her care, her thought, was ever upon plans to add to the comfort and happiness of her household, and of all who had the good fortune to make her acquaintance. Marked in her life was the constant love of her family, and the abiding friendship for all who had come to stand in the relationships of friends.
On Monday morning a large concourse of friends gathered in the chapel at Mayfield to pay the last tribute of friendship and respect to the departed. The service was conducted by Rev. A. L. Thurston of Kingsley. The Bible lesson being, by the request of the deceased, the 23rd Psalm.
Two sisters, Mrs. Nellie B. Wilson of Detroit, and Mrs. Carrie Lyon Van Alstine of Lansing, the only surviving members of her family came to bid a last adieu to the mortal remains of their sister, and to mingle their tears with those of the devoted husband. How much she was to him only those who witnessed his devoted care of her through her long illness can testify.
The remains were brought to Traverse City and were interred in Oakwood Cemetery."

A Research Guide to the Genealogy of the Barnum/Barnam/Barnham Family Worldwide




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