A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Torkel Gulbrandson JONSRUD

In the 1865 Minnesota Territorial Census for Bancroft, Freeborn County the family of Torkel Jonsrud was enumerated as follows:
Family #70
Torkel Jonsrud, Male
Kari Jonsrud, Female
Gilbert Jonsrud, Male

In the 1870 US Census for Albert Lea, Freeborn County, Minnesota the family of Torkel Jonsrud was enumerated as follows:
Dwelling #78; Family #78
Jonsrud, Torkie [sic]; 35; Male; White; Clerk in bank; Real property $3,000; Personal property $400; b. Norway; Both parents of foreign birth
Jonsrud, Kari; 28; Female; White; Keeping house; b. Norway; Both parents of foreign birth
Jonsrud, Gulbrand; 6; Male; White; b. Minnesota; Both parents of foreign birth; Attended school within the census year
Jonsrud, John; 4; Male; White; b. Minnesota; Both parents of foreign birth
Jonsrud, Gjorterud; 5/12; Female; White; b. Minnesota; Both parents of foreign birth; b. February 1870

Torkel was elected a Minnesota senator in the early 1870s. He was a Justice of the Peace in Kelso, Oregon for 30 years, from 1877 to 1907.

In the 1880 US Census for District 16, Cascade, Clackamas County, Oregon the family of Torkel Jonsrud was enumerated as follows:
Dwelling #75; Family #77
Jonsrud, T. G.; White; Male; 45; Married; Farmer; b. Norway; Both parents b. Norway
Jonsrud, Karri [sic]; White; Female; 39; Wife; married; Keeping house; b. Norway; Both parents b. Norway
Jonsrud, Gilbert; White; Male; 16; Son; Single; At home; b. Minnesota; Both parents b. Norway
Jonsrud, John B.; White; Male; 14; Son; Single; At home; b. Minnesota; Both parents b. Norway
Jonsrud, Gertrud; White; Female; 10; Daughter; At home; b. Minnesota; Both parents b. Norway
Jonsrud, Berthold; White; Male; 9; Son; Single; At home; b. Minnesota; Both parents b. Norway
Jonsrud, Robert; White; Male; 7; Son; Single; At home; b. Minnesota; Both parents b. Norway

In the 1900 US Census for District 84, Cascade, Clackamas County, Oregon the family of Torkel Jonsrud was enumerated as follows:
Dwelling #106; Family #113
Jonsrud. Torkel G.; Head; White; Male; b. March 1835; 65; Married 37 years; b. Norway; Both parents b. Norway; Immigrated to US in 1857; 43 living years in US; Naturalized citizen; Farmer; Can read, write and speak English; Owns farm home free of mortgage
Jonsrud, Kari; Wife; White; Female; b. Aug 1841; 58; Married 37 years; Mother of 2 children [sic]; 1 child living [sic]; b. Norway; Both parents b. Norway; Immigrated to US in 1854; 46 years living in US; Can read, write and speak English
Jonsrud, Bert; Son; White; Male; b. Nov 1871; 28; Single; b. Minnesota; Both parents b. Norway; Farm laborer; Can read, write and speak English

In the 1910 US Census for District 34, Cascade, Clackamas County, Oregon the family of Torkel Jonsrud was enumerated as follows:
Dwelling #181; Family #181
Jonsrud, Torkel G.; Head; Male; White; 75; 1st marriage; Married 47 years; b. Norway; Both parents b. Norway; Immigrated to the US in 1857; Naturalized citizen; Able to speak English; Farmer; General farm; Works for own account; Can read and write; Owns farm home free of mortgage
Jonsrud, Carrie [sic]; Wife; Female; White; 68; 1st marriage; Married 47 years; Mother of 7 children; 5 children living; b. Norway; Both parents b. Norway; Immigrated to the US in 1854; Able to speak English; No occupation; Can read and write
Jonsrud, Edward A.; Nephew; Male; White; 42; Single; b. Minnesota; Both parents b. Norway; Able to speak English; Teamster; General store; Wage earner; Can read and write

In the 1920 US Census for Sandy, Clackamas County, Oregon the family of Torkel Jonsrud was enumerated as follows:
Dwelling #165; Family #165
Jonsrud, Torkel G.; Owns farm home free of mortgage; Male; White; 84; Married; Immigrated to US in 1857; Naturalized in 1899; Can read and write; b. Norway; Both parents b. Norway; Able to speak English; Farmer; General farm; Works for own account
Jonsrud, Carrie [sic]; Wife; Female; White; 78; Married; Immigrated to US in 1861; Naturalized in 1899; Can read and write; b. Norway; Both parents b. Norway; Able to speak English; No occupation
Oslo is the capital and largest city in Norway. Founded around 1048 by King Harald III of Norway, the city was largely destroyed by a fire in 1624. The Danish–Norwegian king Christian IV rebuilt the city as Christiania (briefly also spelled Kristiania). In 1925 the city reclaimed its original Norwegian name; Oslo.
Oregon Death Index, 1903-98. Name: Jonsrud, Torkel G.; County: Clackamas; Death Date: 22 Nov 1925; Certificate: 350.
Adjacent to (and sometimes confused with) Fir Hill Cemetery.

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