Eustace de Monte Alto, surnamed the Norman Hunter, one of the soldiers of the Conquest, in the immediate train of the Palatine Earl of Chester, the potent Hugh Lupus; from whom, in requital of his gallant services, Monte Alto obtained, with other territorial possessions, the lordships and manors of Montalt and Hawarden, in the county of Flint, places still designating a branch of his descendants, the noble house of Maude, Viscounts Hawarden and Barons of Montalt. Eustace was s. by his eldest son, Hugh de Monte Alto, the second baron under Hugh Lupus, who gave a large portion of his possessions to the monks. He was s. by his brohter, Roger de Monte Alto, the 3rd baron.
Source: A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, by John Burke, Esq., London (1836).