In the 1900 US Census for District 39, Johnsonburg, Elk County, Pennsylvania the family of Edward Haas was enumerated as follows:
Family #445; Dwelling #442 (First Avenue)
Haas, Edward; Head; White; Male; b. May 1857; 43; Married 18 years; b. Germany; Both parents b. Germany; Immigrated to US in 1875; 25 years in US; Naturalized citizen; Gas fitter; Works for own account; Can read, write and speak English; Rents non-farm home
Haas, Julia; Wife; White; Female; b. Feb 1859; 41; Married 18 years; Mother of 7 children; 5 children living; b. New York; Both parents b. New York; Can read, write and speak English
Haas, Minnie; Daughter; White; Female; b. July 1883; 16; Single; b. Pennsylvania; Father b. Germany; Mother b. New York; At school; Attended school 8 months during the census year; Can read, write and speak English
Haas, Lillian; Daughter; White; Female; b. Mar 1885; 15; Single; b. Pennsylvania; Father b. Germany; Mother b. New York; At school; Attended school 8 months during the census year; Can read, write and speak English
Haas, Celia; Daughter; White; Female; b. May 1889; 11; Single; b. Pennsylvania; Father b. Germany; Mother b. New York; At school; Attended school 8 months during the census year; Can read, write and speak English
Haas, Fredrick [sic]; Son; White; Male; b. Febr 1892; 8; Single; b. Pennsylvania; Father b. Germany; Mother b. New York; At school; Attended school 8 months during the census year; Can read, write and speak English
In the 1910 US Census for District 0042, Johnsonburg, Elk County, Pennsylvania the family of Edward Haas was enumerated as follows:
Family #188; Dwelling #221 (Penn Avenue)
Haas, Edward; Head; Male; White; 54; Married 30 years; b. Germany; Both parents b. Germany; Immigrated to US in [in error the box contains the number 37, apparently indicating that Edward's year of immigration was 1873, two years earlier than the date supplied on the 1900 Census]; Naturalized citizen; Able to speak English; Foreman; Gas & water company; Wage earner; Not out of work on April 13, 1910; 0 weeks out of work during the census year; Can read and write; Rents non-farm home
Haas, Julia A,; Wife; Female; White; 51; Married 30 years; Mother of 7 children; 5 children living; b. New York; Both parents b. New York; Able to speak English; No trade or profession; Can read and write
Haas, Lillian; Daughter; Female; White; 24; Single; b. Pennsylvania; Father b. Germany; Mother b. New York; Able to speak English; Cutter; Paper mill; Wage earner; Not out of work on April 13, 1910; 0 weeks out of work during the census year; Can read and write
Haas, Cicilia [sic]; Daughter; Female; White; 21; Single; b. Pennsylvania; Father b. Germany; Mother b. New York; Able to speak English; No trade or profession; Can read and write
Haas, Fredrick [sic]; Son; Male; White; 19; Single; b. Pennsylvania; Father b. Germany; Mother b. New York; Able to speak English; Messenger; Telegraph; Wage earner; Not out of work on April 13, 1910; 0 weeks out of work during the census year; Can read and write
In the 1920 US Census for District 10, Johnsonburg, Elk County, Pennsylvania the family of Edward Haas was enumerated as follows:
Family #200; Dwelling #219 (327 East Street)
Haas, Edward; Head; Owns home free of mortgage; Male; White; 65; Married; Immigrated to the US in 1871 [this is yet another year!]; Naturalized citizen; Naturalized in 1876; Able to read and write; b. Germany; Native tongue German; Both parents b. Germany; Native tongue German; Able to speak English; Laborer; General; Wage earner
Haas, Julia; Wife; Female; White; 60; Married; Able to read and write; b. New York; Both parents b. New York; Able to speak English; No trade or profession
Haas, Lillian; Daughter; Female; White 35; Single; Able to read and write; b. Pennsylvania; Father b. Germany; Native tongue German; Mother b. New York; Able to speak English; Paper counter; Paper mill; Wage earner
Haas, Fred; Son; Male; White; 28; Single; Able to read and write; b. Pennsylvania; Father b. Germany; Native tongue German; Mother b. New York; Able to speak English; Night clerk; Railroad; Wage earner
Scanlon, Fern; Lodger; Female; White 19; Single; Able to read and write; b. Pennsylvania; Both parents b. Pennsylvania; Able to speak English; Paper counter; Paper mill; Wage earner