Julia Barnum Newhouse lived with her niece Mina Berkhiser, wife of William Berkhiser. Ermina “Mina” was the daughter of George Harlan and Julia’s sister Adelia Barnum.
From the Hamilton Daily News Journal, Hamilton, Ohio, February 15, 1949: Connerswoman Dies at Home of Niece. Connersville, Ind., Feb. 15. — Mrs. Julia Ann Barnum Newhouse 96-year-old widow of Cicero Newhouse, died at the home of her niece, Mrs. Mina Berkhiser, 821 Fayette Street. She was born in Franklin County, near Bath, October 18, 1852, the daughter of Caleb Lorenzo and Sarah Jane Flint Barnum. She was one of a family of 12 children. She was married to Cicero Newhouse November 6, 1899 and they had lived on a farm in Hancock County until the time of Mr. Newhouse's death. She had resided at the Berkhiser home since 1939. Mrs. Newhouse was a member of the Primitive Baptist church at Greenfield.