From the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Tuesday, January 10, 1905: Mrs. Selina Barnum, known as "Mother Barnum," who had for some years conducted a road house of ill repute near the driving park, died early Monday morning of Bright's disease and convulsions. She had been in poor health for two weeks but was confined to her bed only since last Wednesday. Mrs. Barnum was fifty-nine years of age and was born in Ohio. She came here many years ago. Her first husband was Dr. George P. Barnum a veterinary surgeon and liveryman, who had a place of business on Columbia Street. He died in 1891.
After his death she purchased property on the St. Joe Road and accumulated considerable money. Two years ago she was married to Andrew Slenker but about a year ago she was divorced from him. Her mother, who is eighty-five years of age, survives her.
From the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, Tuesday, January 10, 1905: Mrs. Selina Barnum, known as "Mother Barnum," who had for some years conducted a road house of ill repute near the driving park, died early Monday morning of Bright's disease and convulsions. She had been in poor health for two weeks but was confined to her bed only since last Wednesday. Mrs. Barnum was fifty-nine years of age and was born in Ohio. She came here many years ago. Her first husband was Dr. George P. Barnum a veterinary surgeon and liveryman, who had a place of business on Columbia Street. He died in 1891.
After his death she purchased property on the St. Joe Road and accumulated considerable money. Two years ago she was married to Andrew Slenker but about a year ago she was divorced from him. Her mother, who is eighty-five years of age, survives her.