A Genealogy of the Barnum, Barnam and Barnham Family

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A One-Name Study for the BARNUM/BARNHAM Surname

Notes for Alanson Bemis WILDER

A.B. Wilder, a well-known resident of Lyle, is a substantial figure in the financial integrity of the county. He was born in Otranto, Iowa December 1, 1864, son of Nelson and Maria H. (Vaughn) Wilder. Nelson Wilder was born in Wisconsin and came to Otranto, Iowa in 1854, and homesteaded the farm which is now owned by A.B. Wilder. Later he was married to Maria H. Vaughn of Lansing, the first public school teacher in Austin. After the death of Nelson Wilder in November, 1877, his widow remained with the family on the home place until 1902, when she went to Portland, Ore. where she still lives. The subject of this sketch, after his father's death, took charge of the home farm until October 6, 1902, when he came to Lyle. At this time he became interested in the First National Bank of Lyle. Later he became interested in the Lyle Corrugated Company, located in Lyle and Minneapolis, of which he is president. In addition to his financial interest, Mr. Wilder owns 160 acres in Lyle Township and 360 acres in Otranto, Iowa. He still takes an active interest in his farm work, and devotes a great deal of time to it. Mr. Wilder married December 21, 1885, to Ida Barnum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Barnum, prominent farmers and pioneers of Lyle Township. Mrs. Ida Wilder died November 25, 1900 leaving three children: Vera M. now a student in Carleton College, Minnesota; Maurine, who is at Stanley Hall, Minneapolis, and Irving L. who is at home. July 2, 1902 Mr. Wilder married Grace E. Trowbridge, of Lyle Township, daughter of H.C. Trowbridge. Mr. Wilder is an independent voter and an active member of the Knights of Pythias, as well as of the Masonic lodge at Lyle.
[History of Mower County 1911]

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