[[Category:Australia, Needs Profiles Created]]
[[Category:Accidental Deaths]]
[[Category:Australia, Mining Accidents]]
[[Category:Australia, Miners]]
[[Category:Mount Morgan, Queensland]]
[[Category:Colony of Queensland (1859-1900)]]
[[Category:Mount Morgan Cemetery, Mount Morgan, Queensland]]
== Biography ==
}'''Alfred Barnham''' was born on April 4, 1889 in Queensland, Australia, son of [[Barnham-348|William Henry Barnham]]. ''Birth '' Queensland Government (Australia) Births, Deaths, Marriages https://www.familyhistory.bdm.qld.gov.au/ accessed: 21-January-2024 Details: Alfred Barnham, Birth Date: 04 Apr 1889, Registration number: 1889/C/11753, Mother: Mary Ann Crowdy, Father/parent: William Henry Barnham
He married Edith Lily Wood on December 27, 1910 in Queensland, Australia. ''Marriage '' Queensland Government (Australia) Births, Deaths, Marriages https://www.familyhistory.bdm.qld.gov.au/ accessed: 21-January-2024 Details: Alfred Barnham, Marriage Date: 27 Dec 1910, Registration number: 1911/C/2855, Spouse: Edith Lily Wood
Alfred died on February 19, 1952 in Mount Morgan, Queensland, Australia. ''Death '' Queensland Government (Australia) Births, Deaths, Marriages https://www.familyhistory.bdm.qld.gov.au/ accessed: 21-January-2024 Details: Alfred Barnham, Death Date: 19 Feb 1952, Registration number: 1952/C/858, Mother: Mary Ann Crowdy, Father/parent: William Henry
He was buried in the Mount Morgan Cemetery, Mount Morgan, Queensland.FindAGrave: database and images, memorial page for Alfred “Crowdy” Barnham; Born: 04 Apr 1889 Queensland, Australia; Died: 19 Feb 1952 Mount Morgan, Queensland; Cemetery: Mount Morgan Cemetery, Mount Morgan, Queensland; }; maintained by: BB; created by: BKGeni; accessed: 26 Jan 2024
MAN KILLED IN MINE ACCIDENT ROCKHAMPTON, February 19: Alfred Barnhun, tool man, employed bv Mt. Morgan Ltd., who was hit on the head by a piece of stone which fell from the face of the open cut this afternoon, died to-night in the Mt. Morgan Hospital.
The stone fractured his skull and caused scalp wounds.
No one actually saw the accident. Barnham was found lying in a stunned condition on the floor of the open cut.
He was a married man with a grown-up family of nine.
Townsville Daily Bulletin Wednesday 20 February 1952
== Research Notes ==
children available from FindAGrave profile.
== Sources ==