Barnum Family Name/Age Statistics
Average Male Marriage Age |
Average Female Marriage Age |
Average Male Adult Lifespan |
Average Female Adult Lifespan |
Barnum is the 5,424th most common surname in the United States. It was the surname of less than 0.002 percent of all the persons enumerated in the U.S. Census for the year 2000. Similar data from the 2010 Census has not yet been made available.
10 Most Frequent
Male First Names
John (492), William (429),
Charles (283), George (270),
James (231), Thomas (199),
Robert (171), Samuel (144),
Henry (136), David (134)
10 Most Frequent
Male Middle Names
Henry (89), Lee (81),
Edward (52), James (48),
William (43), Thomas (41),
Eugene (34), Robert (33), Wesley (32),
David (27)
10 Most Frequent
Female First Names
Mary (507), Sarah (289),
Elizabeth (247), Margaret (116),
Anna (108), Hannah (107),
Martha (83), Harriet (78), Emma (75),
Lucy (75)
10 Most Frequent
Female Middle Names
Ann (212), Jane (92),
Elizabeth (90), Marie (78),
May (67), Louise (44),
Mae (43), Lee (41), Lynn (38),
Jean (37)
A Research Guide to the Genealogy of the Barnum/Barnam/Barnham Family in England and North America
The information on this site is developed and maintained by Patrick Barnum
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