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Archives: Family Photographs

This section is being developed as an area where historic Barnum Family photographs may be posted. Although it's still relatively small, it has the potential to grow as more family members share copies of photographs from their personal collections.


Photographs of Individuals and Family Groups

Family Photographs (A - C)

Family Photographs (D - Z)

As photographs become available for other individuals, links will be added for their names.



A Research Guide to the Genealogy of the Barnum/Barnam/Barnham Family in England and North America

The information on this site is developed and maintained by Patrick Barnum


©1998, 2022. The format of this website and all original statements and narrative included on it are copyrighted and all rights are reserved. Factual information may be freely quoted for use in private genealogical research when accompanied by a full source citation, including the date of acquisition. Click here to view the format of a citation for an Internet resource. The publication of large extracts from this site in any form requires prior written consent.
